世界日报 美国奥兰多中央大学200学生集体作弊 教授气到病
美国奥兰多中央佛罗里达大学(UCF)商学院教室内,大四学生等候「策略管理」的讲师昆恩谈企业併购,却看见昆恩寒着一张脸上台,宣布600名学生当中高达三分之一涉嫌在期中考作弊。昆恩订下10日午夜为自首最后期限,坦白从宽。考试拿A的学生太多,昆恩(Richard Quinn)和校方怀疑事有蹊跷。不知是挑衅或是白目,竟有学生将写有标准答桉的试卷丢在昆恩办公室外的字纸篓裡,因此东窗事发。
该校学生反应不一,一名学生告诉媒体:「太可怕了。我国的商界不需要没有道德的人。」也有学生说:「大学就是这个样子,人人作弊。在人生中,大家也都欺骗。」 「假如学生什麽都不学,那就学习尊严和荣誉。」
这句话好。 我大学同学有个辽宁的女孩,一天上数学课时聊起本地的高考状况,她提起她所在的考点里有监考老师记下成绩优秀学生的答案去告诉同考场的其他考生的行为,并且,这种事在她们地区不是个例。 [i=s] 本帖最后由 老程 于 2010-11-12 10:12 编辑 [/i]
在英国作弊可比不及格严重多了,儿子忙去找老师解释,老师出了两道类似的题考他,看到结果后老师说:看来你没有作弊,但分数不能改。 这次考试在一间高科技的实验室进行,让学生在严密监督下用电脑作答。中央佛罗里达大学素以严防作弊着称,各测验中心都有像拉斯维加斯赌场所用的闭路电视监控。但道高一尺,魔高一丈。重考全班都得参加,改用纸笔作答,共200题。
考场被严密监视有啥用,遇到个傻鸟老师也是白搭。这学期有一门课我们也是上机作答,在激活考题的时候那老师自己稀里糊涂把答案也显示出来了。结果我们学生的屏幕上面出现了上面是题目,下面是答案和解释的状况。 大家默不作声,纷纷疯狂打字抄标准答案。几天以后那老师还发邮件说,这次考试大家都考得很好,不错不错 宣布600名学生当中高达三分之一涉嫌在期中考作弊
你吓我,一个班600多人,这是中国的大学吧?哈哈。 我觉得吧,这基数这么大,有个把几个雷同卷也是很有可能的。很有可能学生们集思广益,把老师的考查重点范围缩了缩,然后压中了真题啊。国内高考不就经常压中原题嘛。 还有就如楼上那位老程说的,就是巧合而已,那老师神经兮兮,非说作弊。 啥破新闻翻译,也不翻译全了。 原文在这 [url][/url]
我说咋600多学生呢,这是个远程教育课程,在线的。所谓的严密监控的考试中心一次就只能坐40个人,所以整个班拖了四天才全部考完,前面考完的学生把题目带出来告诉了后面考试的人,就这么回事~这学校组织太差了,没实力一口气让600人考试,还一波一波的放人进那“严密监控的测试中心”,完全是脱裤子放屁多此一举。 还有,这个讲师 (这中文新闻算是没翻译错,62岁了还是讲师,这哥们怎么混的。。。)首先自己的职业操守就不行,他直接在网上的test bank购买了这门课的考试题库,还一字不漏的全盘放在自己的期中考试卷里,懒得抽筋,活该被学生们挑衅,首先自己不尊重学生,连个试卷都懒的出。 老师懈怠,也不是学生玩火的理由。 heisfool 兄追根刨底的精神值得称赞。讲述事实时只挑选对自己有利的事实来说话,不是一种好习惯。
把heisfool 兄提到的原文找来了,觉得原文论述还是很客观的。【世界日报】的报道也没大打错。
ORLANDO — It was a lecture Richard Quinn hoped he would never have to deliver.
Faced with evidence of cheating by up to a third of his class — 150 to 200 students — the University of Central Florida business instructor confronted them in a weekly lecture.
"To say I'm disappointed is beyond comprehension," Quinn said, his voice quavering with indignation. "Physically ill. Absolutely disgusted. Completely disillusioned."
Then Quinn gave them a choice: Confess and you had a shot at clearing your transcript. Don't and you could be suspended or expelled.
"If you want to take a high-risk gamble, take it," he told his students. "I challenge you to take it, because we know who you are."
This week, a video of Quinn's emotional lecture turned him into an academic folk hero. Calls and e-mails poured into UCF from as far away as Ontario, Maui and Tel Aviv. One urged Quinn to address Congress, another suggested he write a book on ethics.
And a Michigan father of three wrote: "Finally, someone with some guts."
• • •
Quinn, 62, has taught at UCF's College of Business Administration for 11 years, but he's no ivory-tower theorist.
Before UCF, he worked for 27 years as a manager at Eastman Kodak. There, he built a start-up venture into a $100 million line of business.
If you spend that much time in a competitive corporate environment, you're bound to see some sketchy behavior, Quinn said.
But what unfolded in his 615-student strategic management class sickened him, he says, sparking his Nov. 1 video lecture.
The problem began during the midterm, which students took over the course of four days in the middle of October.
Quinn noted that the test scores were suspiciously high, a grade and a half higher than in past years. A few days later, a student left in his mailbox a copy of the "test bank," a set of potential test questions produced for instructors by the textbook publisher. The test bank is supposed to be unavailable to students, but pilfered copies are sold online.
Around the same time, he began to hear that some students were bragging that they aced the test because they had the questions in advance.
Chains of forwarded e-mails identified those who got the questions. Consulting with administrators, Quinn decided to scrap the midterm and make all 615 students re-take it.
Those who cheated were offered a chance at redemption: If they admitted getting the answers, did not have a previous record and took a four-hour ethics course, their records would be wiped clean.
The consequences could be more severe for the ringleaders, those who hunker down hoping they don't get caught or those who have cheated before. Some could be kicked out of school for at least one term. In the worst cases, students could be expelled and have their records sealed.
"What that means is that if you ever decide you want to go back to school again, nothing you took here will transfer," said Taylor Ellis, the business college's associate dean for academic programs and technology.
Two of Quinn's students who acknowledged receiving the test bank declined to comment or give their names. One said he was just trying to get an advantage, like everyone else.
That's nuts, said a third student. Quinn's course is known as the capstone course, because business students take it during their graduating semester.
Eric Sclar, who is in Quinn's class, said he did not receive one of the e-mails and was amazed that anyone in their final semester would take the chance of using them.
"There's no way it's good for anyone in this graduating class," Sclar said. Prospective employers are "going to wonder, 'Are you someone who's all right with cheating?'
"I feel bad for anyone who might not get a job because of that."
• • •
The scandal comes amid a run of growth and good fortune at UCF.
With more than 56,000 students, it recently passed Ohio State to become the nation's second-largest university behind Arizona State. This week, the Knights secured a Top 25 football ranking for the first time in school history.
And this summer, the New York Times ran a front-page story spotlighting the College of Business Administration's high-tech testing center.
There, seven video cameras monitor and record students taking tests on 164 computers.
Cell phones are banned. So are ball caps with the bills worn to the front, where a student could glance up at a crib sheet under the bill. So is gum. A student could chew it to disguise the motion of speaking on a hands-free phone inserted in the ear.
Over the years, proctors have caught students who paid others to take their tests, communicated by American sign language and written notes on an arm covered by a full sleeve of tattoos.
Angela Glass, 23, is also in Quinn's strategic management class. She said she did not receive the answers and hadn't encountered anything like this in her years at UCF.
"I just don't want it to be the perception that it happens in every class and all over UCF," she said.
But cheating is a problem on college campuses nationwide.
Up to 70 to 75 percent of college students self-report engaging in some sort of slippery academic conduct, according to the Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University's Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics.
That can range from listing a book the student didn't read in a bibliography to cut-and-paste plagiarism or buying a term paper online.
At UCF, Quinn said he never expected what happened in his class to get noticed off-campus. Nor did he imagine that it would resonate on a global scale.
But he's encouraged that it did.
"If it exploded, maybe it needed to explode," he said. "Maybe it's a conversation that's been needed for a long time." [i=s] 本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2010-11-13 02:56 编辑 [/i]
[quote][color=#000000][font=SimSun][size=13pt]你吓我,一个班[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]600[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]多人,[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]这是中国的大学吧?[/size][/font][/color][size=2][color=#999999]heisfool 发表于 2010-11-12 15:47[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]
[/size][/font][/color] [i=s] 本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2010-11-13 02:47 编辑 [/i]
[quote][color=#000000][font=SimSun][size=13pt]所[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]谓[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]的[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]严[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]密[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]监[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]控的考[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]试[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]中心一次就只能坐[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]40个人,所以整个班拖了四天才全部考完,前面考完的学生把[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]题[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]目[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]带[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]出来告[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]诉[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]了后面考[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]试[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]的人,就[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]这么[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]回事~[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]这[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]学校[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]组织[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]太差了,没[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]实[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]力一口气[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]让[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]600人考[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]试[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt],[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]还[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]一波一波的放人[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]进[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]那[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]“[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]严[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]密[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]监[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]控的[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]测试[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]中心[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]”,完全是脱[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]裤[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]子放屁多此一[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]举[/size][/font][font=SimSun][size=13pt]。[/size][/font][/color][font=SimSun][size=13pt][/size][/font]heisfool 发表于 2010-11-12 15:47 [/quote]
[/color][/size][/font] [i=s] 本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2010-11-13 02:58 编辑 [/i]
[quote]。 还有,这个讲师 (这中文新闻算是没翻译错,62岁了还是讲师,这哥们怎么混的。。。)[/quote]
据Heisfool兄提供的原始报道,这位讲师并非搞学问出身。他是Eastman Kodak的一位主管并小有成就。大学找这样的人在管理学院当讲师是很多的。原文有关这位讲师的介绍如下:
[size=10.5pt][color=#000000]Quinn, 62, has taught at UCF's College of Business Administration for 11 years, but he's no ivory-tower theorist. [/color][/size][size=10.5pt][color=#000000]Before UCF, he worked for 27 years as a manager at Eastman Kodak. There, he built a start-up venture into a $100 million line of business.[/color][/size] [i=s] 本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2010-11-13 02:55 编辑 [/i]
[quote]首先自己的职业操守就不行,他直接在网上的test bank购买了这门课的考试题库,还一字不漏的全盘放在自己的期中考试卷里,不尊重学生,活该被学生们挑衅,首先自己不尊重学生,连个试卷都懒的出。quote]
原文报道如下:A few days later, a student left in his mailbox a copy of the "test bank," a set of potential test questions produced for instructors by the textbook publisher. The test bank is supposed to be unavailable to students, but pilfered copies are sold online. [quote]老师懈怠,也不是学生玩火的理由。
[size=2][color=#999999]吹笛在湖北 发表于 2010-11-12 15:59[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]
因为吹笛的这句话,让俺把原文报道仔细地看了几遍。有趣的是,同一篇报道,俺和heisfool兄的认识居然有所不同。想一下,可能heisfool兄是站在学生角度,而俺是站在教师角度,来读这篇文章的。 昨天在一本书里读到(作者是有刀的偶像、美国大律师亚伦·德肖维茨),不同阶层的人,对相同事实抱有不同的看法,是极为正常的。作者在分析陪审团成员的构成对判决的影响,初步结论是:“由于我们这个社会仍然严重地相互隔离,黑人与白人的生活经验相当迥异,因此他们时常以不同的方式来看待同一个事件或个人。”……两种经常发生的结论是:(一)黑人比白人更可能判被告无罪,(二)黑人和白人都常判与自己同种族的人无罪。
但实际上,不同社会背景的学生,对此的反应就可能有差异。在中国,老师与学生的关系经常是一种斗智斗勇,是道高还是魔高的较量。 在中国,老师与学生的关系经常是一种斗智斗勇,是道高还是魔高的较量。:strongd [quote]在中国,老师与学生的关系经常是一种斗智斗勇,是道高还是魔高的较量。:strongd
[size=2][color=#999999]吹笛在湖北 发表于 2010-11-13 10:17[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]
我不认为如此,我做老师做得很简单,以诚相待,没有遇到过揭发我的学生。是否被揭发过,而我不知道,这我就不了解了。 回何萍:我说的不是揭发这种性质的问题,而是针对考试的。
我也做过十六年的老师,也没遇到过揭发这类事。早年在一所劳改学校工作,有人来调查时,学校的书记还侍我挡驾呢。 [quote]回何萍:我说的不是揭发这种性质的问题,而是针对考试的。
[size=2][color=#999999]周泽雄 发表于 2010-11-13 10:58[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]