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showcraft 发表于 2011-9-2 16:18

Limited views: essays on ideas and letters(钱锺书《管锥编》)


[/b][size=3]《管锥编》一书是钱锺书先生学术著作,因用典雅的文言写成,现代读者阅读起来可能有一定的困难。"洋钱迷"艾朗诺(RONALD EGAN)选译部分为英文。据说“管锥编》英译本1998年出版的时候,钱先生已经病得非常重了,杨绛先生拿到书以后带去医院,挑了几段读给他听,他很满意”。[/size]

[url=http://www.amazon.com/Limited-Views-Harvard-Yenching-Institute-Monograph/dp/0674534115][color=#336699]书评[/color][/url]上说“ I only read the introduction and several key pieces of this English selection, but it is enough to convince me that Prof. Ronald Egan is as truthful as possible to the Chinese text. ”

书评上还说:Chinese reader might find that the English translation is easier to read, as long as she/he reads English.
当然,It does not mean that native English speakers have the advantage, since so many a layer of Chinese anecdotes and nuances will certainly frustrate a not-so-knowledgeable reader。


[b]在线阅读:[/b][url=http://books.google.com/books?id=1RNX8IW2dTEC&pg=PA236&lpg=PA236&dq=Difficulty%22+in+Prose+Style&source=bl&ots=BQT337vqI0&sig=GuI6uYNibCmwyCTd0fFSzO6CXQs&hl=en&ei=vV1dTpn7H-280AGd5f3lAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false][color=#336699]http://books.google.com/books?id ... e&q&f=false[/color][/url]

[url=http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/8955349.html?w=MTI3OTI0NTYzOA%3D%3D][color=#336699]http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f ... TI3OTI0NTYzOA%3D%3D[/color][/url]

[b]RONALD EGAN——译者简介:[/b]

RONALD EGAN works on Chinese poetry,literati culture,and aesthetics,specializing on the Song dynasty period.He is Professor of Chinese at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of full-lenth studies of Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi. His selective translation of Qian Zhongshu’s Guanzhui bian appeared as Limited Views: Essays on Ideas and Letters by Qian Zhongshu.His most recent book is The Problem of Beauty:Aesthetic Thought and Pursuits in Northern Song Dynasty China.

艾朗诺教授在加州大学圣塔巴巴拉校区教书,他的研究范围包括中国诗词、文人文化和美学,主要关注宋代、有专书谈论欧阳修和苏轼新近出版了《 美的问题》:《北宋的美学思想与追求》他还用英文选译了钱锺书的《管锥编》。


[indent]This translation of 65 pieces from Qian Zhongshu’s Guanzhui bian (Limited Views) makes available for the first time in English a representative selection from Qian’s massive four-volume collection of essays and reading notes on the classics of early Chinese literature. First published in 1979, it has been hailed as one of the most insightful and comprehensive treatments of themes and motifs in early Chinese writing to appear in this century. Scholar, novelist, and essayist Qian Zhongshu (b. 1910) is arguably contemporary China’s foremost man of letters, and Limited Views is recognized as the culmination of his study of literature in both the Chinese and the Western traditions. [/indent]
[indent]艾朗诺(Ronald Egan)先生对中国古代文学、美学和人文文化进行过多年深入的研究,他独立完成的《管锥编》英文选译本1998年由美国哈佛大学亚洲中心出版。艾朗诺[color=red]从原书1400多项条目中选译了65项[/color],此选译本分为六个部分,各部分由译者拟了大标题:一、美学和批评概论;二、隐喻、象征和感知心理学;三、语义学和文学风格学;四、论老子;五、魔与神;六、社会和理想。此书的出版,在美国学术界引起了较大的反响,对中西文化交流产生了深远的影响。这是《管维编》第一次被部分译成英文本出版。 [/indent]

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竹南 发表于 2011-9-2 16:41


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