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吹笛在湖北 发表于 2012-5-16 08:09

To Dr. Seuss about "The Cat in the Hat"(试译在6楼)

[i=s] 本帖最后由 吹笛在湖北 于 2012-5-19 00:52 编辑 [/i]


Dear Theodore Geisel,

In December, 2004, I was nine years old, and my family visited a hospital in Tel Aviv. I can still remember snapshots from that day. It had rained incessantly, “the sun did not shine. It was too wet to play.” I can see the image of the four of us as a family, huddled under our one rainbow umbrella and shuffling through the revolving front door. I can see the front desk, metallic, looming, and massive to my nine year old eyes. I can see a white corridor, with white walls and white tiles, stretching out before me as far as the eye could see. We were visiting my grandmother.

When we arrived at her room, my parents didn’t want to go in at first. They wanted to talk to the doctor about something. I did not understand. They acted like they did not wish to see my grandmother. My sister, on the other hand, had no such qualms. Dragging me along, she burst into the room and assaulted my grandmother with a shout of delight and a hug vast enough for the both of us. I sat meekly in the chair by her bed and, through the crescent window in the door, watched the doctor speak to my parents. I think I was scared. I think somehow, deep down, I knew something was wrong, and I didn’t know what to do. My grandmother, though, knew exactly what to do. She told my sister to sit down next to me, and she told us she was going to read us a story.

And so she did, in a soft, raspy voice that always pronounced the words slightly wrong. “The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play.” She read to us The Cat in the Hat . And as she read, the three of us, together, smiled. We laughed. We escaped from that dreary hospital room and entered a world of fun and mischief, a world of toys and talking fist and cats with big red hats. That was the last time I saw my grandmother. But, thanks to you, it was not the last time I heard her. Because now, every rainy day, all I have to do is pull out my battered copy of The Cat in the Hat , and I am back in that hospital room again. I can still hear her soft, raspy voice tell me about Thing 1 and Thing 2. I can still hear her tell me that “the sun did not shine. It was too wet to play.”

Theodore Geisel. They tell me that’s your name. But it’s not, really. Because to me, you will always be Dr. Seuss. You will always be my grandmother, lying in her hospital bed. You will always be the smiles and laughs the three of us shared that day. You will always be that mischievous, grinning cat in that tall, striped red hat. So thank you, Dr. Seuss. Thank you for being there for me on a rainy day. Thank you for knowing exactly how to make me smile and laugh. Thank you for making my grandmother’s voice immortal. Thank you for understanding that we all want, we all need, to be a nine year old again every now and then. Thank you for everything.


老程 发表于 2012-5-16 08:24

[i=s] 本帖最后由 老程 于 2012-5-16 08:32 编辑 [/i]


吹笛在湖北 发表于 2012-5-16 08:53

[size=2][color=#999999]老程 发表于 2012-5-16 08:24[/color] [url=http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=567941&ptid=111475][img]http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]


ironland 发表于 2012-5-17 00:29


David 发表于 2012-5-17 01:32

我记得读这篇给我女儿听,后来是儿子。这次还买了好几本Dr. Suess的书,包括《戴帽子的猫》准备送朋友。

吹笛在湖北 发表于 2012-5-19 00:47










吹笛在湖北 发表于 2012-9-26 12:57

[i=s] 本帖最后由 吹笛在湖北 于 2012-9-26 12:58 编辑 [/i]

[b]本报讯[/b]  2013年度全美PSAT考试成绩和获奖名单2012年9月17日揭晓,其中五万名考生得到美国优秀学生奖学金组织(NMSC)的表彰,然后再选出各州的高分者16,000人,他们有机会获得来自NMSC的奖学金,而且让他们在未来申请大学奖学金时,比其他学生有着更多的机会。孟菲斯地区共有23人榜上提名,其中华裔至少有七位,他们的名字是:Ellen Chai, Sheng Chen、 Yuan Chen、John Mo、 Neena Wang、 Tiange Zhan和Daniel zuo,他们都是来自孟菲斯地区最好的高中White Station高中,该高中共有22名同学入围,几乎包揽所有入围者。这些同学都将获得证书,来自NMSC和企业的奖学金名单将在明年2月份揭晓。恭喜这些华人子弟,为社区,为华人,也为孟菲斯市增添光彩。

吹笛在湖北 发表于 2012-9-26 12:58

[i=s] 本帖最后由 吹笛在湖北 于 2012-9-26 15:16 编辑 [/i]

报道中的Daniel zuo,就是前边贴出的《To Dr. Seuss about   "The Cat in the Hat"》高中生作文提交者。让我们祝贺他~

      今天暑假,美国一个教育学会组织了60名高中生的夏令营。参加者由每州一个,和海外10组成。这个夏令营实际上是顶尖高校对未来学生的一个考察。Daniel 参加了夏令营,选择了一个生物实验项目,做了两个月回来很累。问他有选择了吗?他不定,到底学什么专业依然不确然。爸爸妈妈说:哪个大学给奖学金多就去那个大学,这是第一选择。

      那次作文《To Dr. Seuss about   "The Cat in the Hat"》拿了州立第一名时,颁奖会上主持作家问Daniel :你将来想干什么?Daniel 回答说:不知道。


老程 发表于 2012-9-27 09:45


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