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showcraft 发表于 2012-12-3 21:07


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,][size=4][b]Pioneering Battery-Maker Files for Bankruptcy


时间:2012-11-06 10:47 来源:环球科学(huanqiukexue.com)

A123 Systems, which commercialized different approaches to lithium ion rechargeable batteries, went under after an 11-year run


A123 SYSTEMS struggled to get its batteries into the automotive market.


Image: Flickr/Graham Davis

By Devin Powell of Nature magazine

A company that charged up the US battery industry with its lithium-ion technology has gone dead. After an 11-year run, A123 Systems filed for bankruptcy on 16 October.


For insiders, the news is no surprise. A123, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, has been buoyed by government grants and private investment but has fallen on hard times in the past year (see 'Manufacturing woes haunt high-tech battery maker'). Again and again its rechargeable batteries — similar to the batteries that power laptops and iPhones — had trouble finding a foothold in the automotive market.


Now some worry that A123's collapse could stunt future investments in US battery research. “My concern is that the A123 debacle will disillusion the people who put in money thinking they were going to make big bucks on car batteries,” says John Goodenough, a materials scientist at the University of Texas at Austin.

一些人担心,A123的破产会阻碍未来对美国电池研究的投资。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的材料学家John Goodenough说:“我担心A123的倒闭会给那些想通过投资汽车电池赚大钱的人泼一盆冷水。”

Once a model of innovation in academia, A123 licensed technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge by materials scientist (and company co-founder) Yet-Ming Chiang. Exploring different approaches to lithium-ion batteries, Chiang's team figured out how to boost the power of such cells by sprinkling zirconium and other metals into a blend of lithium, iron and phosphate pioneered by Goodenough.


The power, safety and longevity provided by this formula attracted the toolmaker Black & Decker, which in 2005 chose A123's batteries to power its cordless DeWALT tools.


“In a remarkably short time we went from a concept to manufacturing in volume for a new line of power tools,” says Bart Riley, co-founder and chief technical officer of A123. “We hit the industry with quite a splash.”

A123创始人之一、首席技术官Bart Riley说:“在非常短的时间内,我们将概念变为现实,使我们的技术应用于大规模生产中,为新电动工具系列提供动力。一石激起千层浪,我们冲击了整个电池行业。”

[b]Losing advantage


Buoyed by the early success, the company pushed into other markets. Grants from the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) — an organization composed of car manufacturers Chrysler, Ford and General Motors (GM) — financed the development of batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. BAE Systems in Arlington, Virginia, became a client, making A123 the world's largest supplier of lithium-ion batteries for buses and trucks, says Riley.


But penetrating the consumer automotive market proved more difficult. A123's technology generated lots of power by expelling energy quickly, but it didn't store significantly more energy than other lithium-ion technologies.


A123 tried to overcome this limitation, but “we were moving away from our strengths,” says Riley. “The more we moved away from power and towards energy, the less of a technical advantage we had.”


In 2009 A123 lost a bid to make the battery for GM’s Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in hybrid vehicle. GM chose the Korean company LG Chem, based near Seoul.


A123 pivoted, landing a contract in 2009 for Chrysler's proposed electric vehicle program, ENVI. An initial public offering in 2009 raised about US$391 million for the company. A DOE grant of about $249 million and tax breaks from Michigan allowed the company to build two factories in the state.


Then Chrysler declared bankruptcy in 2009, and the plans evaporated. A123 signed a contract in 2012 to sell batteries to Fisker, a small US carmaker in Anaheim, California, also funded by the DOE. But production of Fisker's hybrid electric sports car, the Karma, was delayed. Defects in the batteries led to an expensive recall. With its finances declining, A123 laid off some of its Michigan workers in November 2011.


[b]Dim outlook


“This is very tough business,” says Ted Miller, the Ford representative on the USABC management committee. “If you look across the landscape of companies that have been successful, it's kind of rare to be only in batteries.”

“电池的经营非常困难。”USABC管理委员会的福特代表Ted Miller说:“如果分析成功企业的模式/布局,(会发现这些成功的企业往往会还经营其他类别的产品),(所以)只立足于电池业(而获得成功)是很罕见的。”

Still, A123's downfall isn't deterring another small company from staying in the race. Envia Systems, based in Newark, California, funded by the DOE and GM, makes electrodes from a mixture of nickel, cobalt and manganese developed by Khalil Amine and other materials scientists at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. The material packs a record-setting energy density, the company claims — potentially allowing the batteries to be smaller, and thus cheaper, than those based on other lithium-ion technologies.

但是,A123的没落并没有影响另一家小公司的竞争。总部位于加州纽瓦克的Envia系统公司受能源部和通用资助。该电池公司采用伊利诺伊州阿贡国家实验室的材料学家Khalil Amine等人所研发的技术,使用镍、钴、锰合金制造电极。据该公司声称,这种材料蕴藏的能量密度可创纪录——相比其它锂离子电池技术,这项技术可能使得电池体积更小、价格更低。

“Our guess is that by 2015, the first cars with our technology should be coming out,” says Atul Kapadia, Envia's chief executive.

Envia首席执行官Atul Kapadia表示:“据我们预计,到2015年,我们的电池技术将首次应用于汽车上。”

Johnson Controls (JCI), based in Glendale, Wisconsin, has made an offer to purchase A123's assets, including the Michigan factories. JCI, which makes products for automobiles and buildings, has received about $5.5 million from the USABC to develop lithium-ion batteries. But the company isn't saying whether it will stick with A123's approach or try another technology.


Ultimately, the fate of US battery makers will remain tied to that of the electric car itself. And for now, no battery technology can compete cost-wise with the internal combustion engine.


“The outlook in the near future for electric cars does not look that promising,” says Daniel Scherson, an electrochemist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. “They are still just too expensive.”

“在不久的将来,电动汽车的前景看起来仍不容乐观。”位于俄亥俄州克利夫兰的凯斯西储大学的电化学家Daniel Scherson说:“电动汽车的电池系统还是太昂贵了。”

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on October 24, 2012.

By Devin Powell

原文地址:[url=http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=pioneering-battery-maker-files-for-bankruptcy]http://www.scientificamerican.co ... iles-for-bankruptcy[/url][/font][/color]

showcraft 发表于 2012-12-3 21:09

A123 系统公司在中国得到了救命钱
能源   商业     马丁•拉莫尼卡(MARTIN LAMONICA)     2012-08-23 10:55:19

在位于密歇根州利沃尼亚的A123系统公司的工厂,一名技术员正在组装电池组。图片提供:Roy Ritchie

电池制造商A123 系统公司(下称A123)近日宣布与中国汽车零部件生产商万向集团达成协议,后者将向其投资4.5 亿美元。

A123创始人Waltham Mass称,该公司已与万向签订备忘录,万向将向其提供债务融资和信用额度。后期,一旦条件成熟,万向将购买价值2亿美元的A123 股票。据报告,这一系列的注资将使万向获得A123 80%的股权。

这个交易的达成旨在消除A123 未来的不确定性。由于电动车销量远低于预计,加上由技术故障导致的产品召回,该公司一直处于亏损状态。(参见《A123 发生了什么?》)

A123 的CEO David Vieau在声明中称:“万向的巨额投资不仅为A123带来财务上的稳定性,使我们能继续发展,也让我们得以同汽车和清洁技术产业的全球大品牌结盟。”


在面向投资者的报告会上,Vieau称与万向达成合作关系将提高A123在电动汽车以及电网储能市场的地位。同时,A123 也能从万向供应链的制造专业技术中受益。A123称,万向年利润130亿美元,是中国最大的汽车零部件制造商,也是最大的民营企业之一。


该公司一直致力于改进技术,这无疑会有助于提高竞争力。6月,该公司详细介绍了一种电力更足,使用寿命更长,能在高温下更好地工作的新型化学电池。A123表示希望该种电池能应用于微型混和动力车,电动汽车,或通讯信号塔的备用电源。(参见《电池制造商A123 宣布用新技术推动业务发展》)


从上月开始持续低于1美元的A123 股价,在注资消息发布后已回升超过8个百分点。

(翻译 穆华夏)

showcraft 发表于 2012-12-3 21:09

欢迎发表评论 2012年11月30日10:21 来源:《经济通》



什么都略懂一点 发表于 2012-12-3 21:40


邱晓云 发表于 2012-12-3 22:51


showcraft 发表于 2013-1-30 09:25

来源:环球网 | 2013-01-30 09:06:28 | 我来说两句已有0人参与 下载新闻客户端
  【环球网报道 记者 李娜】在经历数月的周折之后,万向集团收购美国锂电池公司的跨国收购案终于基本尘埃落定。英国《金融时报》1月29日消息称,美国政府已批准中国万向集团收购美先进电池制造商A123 Systems公司的民用业务部门。




歪弟 发表于 2013-1-30 11:14


老程 发表于 2013-1-30 11:23

[i=s] 本帖最后由 老程 于 2013-1-30 11:34 编辑 [/i]


showcraft 发表于 2013-1-30 11:57


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