小三惹出的祸水 chongQ
Fatal love test: Woman drowns while her bf jumps into river to save his ex[float=left][size=2][color=black]Updated: 04 Nov 2014[/color][/size][/float][float=right][size=2][color=blue]Share this news?...Click box [/color][/size] [url=http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20][img=125,16]http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/lg-share-en.gif[/img][/url][/float]
Read more on [url=tag-Chongqing+fatal+love+test.html]Chongqing fatal love test[/url] [url=tag-Chongqing+love+triangle.html]Chongqing love triangle[/url]
[size=2]In a tragic turn of events that unfolded last Thursday, a woman in Chongqing died when she'd jumped into the Yangtze River after her boyfriend, who had moments before that jumped in the water to save his ex-girlfriend. [/size]
A local newspaper reports that a witness had seen two people struggling in the river when another person jumped in after them. A man in a black shirt and a woman wearing a red skirt had managed to crawl onto the riverbank, where he sat sobbing. The man kept telling the woman "this is all because of you…" [/size]
The man had reportedly arranged to have a talk with his girlfriend and ex-girlfriend about their relationship, as he'd found himself in a sort of love triangle. When hours had passed and they were unable to resolve things, the emotional ex-girlfriend jumped into the river, resulting in the man jumping in after her in an attempt to save her. [/size]
When the man's current girlfriend saw that he'd jumped to save his ex, she was furious, and decided to leap in behind him. The man had managed to save his ex-girlfriend, but the other woman sank below the surface. [/size]
His girlfriend was pulled to the shore about 10 minutes later by a fishing port employee, but by then, she had lost all vital signs.
[size=2] [/size] 那还剩一个,小三命里有缘无份,用情也太厉害。林黛玉性格,命也浅。 刚烈的小三只能做尤三姐