燕谈's Archiver

李梓铭 发表于 2014-7-20 13:02


ekphrasis 发表于 2014-7-29 01:06


李梓铭 发表于 2014-8-10 12:19


三苗 发表于 2014-8-11 05:22

The Making Of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire  Gindin, Sam
Civil Society: 1750-1914   Hoffman, Stefan-Ludwig
Liberalism and the origins of European social theory   Seidman, Steven
Bourgeois Liberty and the Politics of Fear: From Absolutism to Neo-Conservatism  Mulholland, Marc
On Materialism  Timpanaro, Sebastiano
Democracy and Class Society Andy McInerney
Working-Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory  Clarke
Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy  Gilens, Martin
Reason and Its Others: Italy, Spain, and the New World (Hispanic Issues  Castillo, David R.
The Struggle for the Breeches: Gender and the Making of the British Working Class  Clark, Anna
Massive Resistance: The White Response to the Civil Rights Movement  Lewis, George
In Defense of Leon Trotsky   David North
Contested Terrain  Edwards, Richards
Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society  Dear, Michael J.
From Consent to Coercion: The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms, Panitch, Leo
A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe Cafruny, Alan W.
Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe By: Brubaker, Rogers
Why Don't American Cities Burn?  By: Katz, Michael B.
The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility By: Clark, Gregory
The Green and the Red: Revolutionary Republicanism and Socialism in Irish History: 1848-1923  
By: Delany, William
The Triumph of Israel's Radical Right  By: Pedahzur, Ami
Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomi  By: Wright, Steve
Free Market Tuberculosis: Managing Epidemics in Post-Soviet Georgia  By: Koch, Erin
Forced Labor: Coercion and Exploitation in the Private Economy  By: Andrees, Beate
Negativity and Revolution: Adorno and Political Activism   By: Holloway, John
Revolutionary Teamsters: The Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934  By: Palmer, Bryan D.
Domenico Losurdo:Heidegger and the Ideology of War: Community, Death, and the West
Van den Brink: Recognition and Power
G. Carchedi: Behind the Crisis
Joseph Gabel: Karl Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism
E. Balibar: Masses, Classes and Ideas
Tony Smith: Dialectical Social Theory and its Critics
Roy Bhaskar: Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation
M. L. Roman: Opposing Jim Crow:  African Americans and the Soviet Indictment of U.S. Racism, 1928-1937
Bensel: Yankee Leviathan
S. Bornschier: Cleavage Politics and the Populist Right
Zeev Sternhell: The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition
Dahila S. Elazar: The Making of Fascism
T. Notermans: Money, Market and the State
R. Darlington: Syndicalism and The Transition to Communism
Geoff Eley: Reshaping the German Right
Leroux and Hart: French Liberalism in the 19th Century
Adam L. Tate: Conservatism and Southern Intellectuals
George Lewis: The White South and the Red Menace
A. Picchio: Social Reproduction
Ann Shola-Orloff: Remaking Modernity
Sue Onslow: Cold War in Southern Africa
della Porta: Social Movements, Political Violence and the State

三苗 发表于 2014-8-17 21:14

[i=s] 本帖最后由 三苗 于 2014-8-19 14:44 编辑 [/i]

Workers on the Nile by Joel Beinin and Zachary Lockman
Neo-Liberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation by Neil Davidson et al.
Hitler's Heralds: The Story of the Freikorps, 1918-1923 by Nigel H. Jones
Peter Taylor-Gooby: Reframing Social Citizenship; The Double Crisis of the Welfare State and What We Can Do About It;
Europe in the 18th Century: Aristocracy and the Bourgeois Challenge by George Rude
Kathryn Amdur: The Syndicalist Legacy
Chris Bambery: The Left after Stalinism Winter 1990        
Michael Parenti: Blackshirts and Reds
A. Callari: Marxism in the Postmodern Age
S. Bornschier: Cleavage Politics and Populist Right
J. Morley: Snow Storm in August
John Anthony Davis: Naples and Napoleon
Lybarger: Identity and Religion in Palestine
S. Meredith: Labors Old and New
Richard Evans: In Defense of History
Paul Buhle: Marxism in the United States
Kocka: Industrial Culture and Bourgeois Society
Leo Panitch: Social Democracy and Industrial Militiancy;
Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: by John Foster
Ann Farnsworth Alvear: Dulcinea in the Factory
Susan Eckstein: Power and Popular Protest, Latin American Social Movements
Anders Åslund: The Last Shall Be the First: The East European Financial Crisis
Bertell Ollman Dance of the Dialectic: STEPS IN MARX'S METHOD
Reinventing Marxism by Howard J. Sherman
Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities by Carl Husemoller Nightingale
Warren Montag: Althusser and his Contemporaries
Racial Formation in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s by Michael Omi
Post-Soviet Social: Neoliberalism, Social Modernity, Biopolitics by Stephen J. Collier
How Capitalism Was Built: The Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia by Anders Aslund
The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire by Jeffery R. Webber and Barry Carr
Helen Chenut: Working-Class Culture in Third Republic France
Understanding Inequality: The Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Class, and Gender by Arrighi et al.
Allende's Chile and the Inter-American Cold War  by Tanya Harmer
Richard Weiss: American Myth of Success: From Horatio Alger to Norman Vincent Peale
Samuel Farber: Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment
Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe by Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore

三苗 发表于 2014-8-19 14:20

[i=s] 本帖最后由 三苗 于 2014-8-19 22:49 编辑 [/i]

Ian Hunt: Analytical and Dialectical Marxism
Werner Bonefeld: Global Capital, Nation State and the Politics of Money
Tony Burns, Ian Fraser: The Hegel-Marx Connection
Fascists & Conservatives Martin Blinkhorn         
By Fire and Axe: The Communist Party and the Civil War in Greece, 1944-1949  Averoff-Tossizza
A Civil War: A History Of The Italian Resistance  Claudio Pavone , Peter Levy Stanislao Pugliese
Down on the Killing Floor  by Rick Halpern
Where the Boys Are: Cuba, Cold War and the Making of a New Left by Van Gosse
Reason and Its Other: Rationality in Modern German Philosophy and Culture by Dieter Freundlieb and Wayne Hudson
Northern Ireland, 1921-2001 by Paul Bew, Peter Gibbon and Henry Patterson
River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom by Walter Johnson
Social Revolutions in the Modern World by Theda Skocpol
Apartheid's Second Front: South Africa's War Against Its Neighbours by Joseph Hanlon
Revolutionary Europe: 1783 - 1815 by George Rude and Harvey J. Kaye
Marxism, Socialism, and Democracy In Latin America by Richard L Harris
Making Sweatshops: The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry by Ellen Isræl Rosen
Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory  Vogel, Lise
The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age  Himmelfarb, Gertrude
American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass  Douglas S. Massey
U.S. Labor in the 20th Century: Studies in Working-Class Struggles and Insurgency  Le Blanc, Paul
Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism: The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition By: Saccarelli, Emanuele
Paolo Virno and Michael Hardt: Radical Thought in Italy
Critique of Everyday Life, Vol. 1-3   By: Lefebvre, Henri
Hall: Representation
Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism: The Political Economy and Cultural Construction of Social Activism  Buechler, Steven M.
Under the Red Flag: A History of Communism in Britain  Laybourn, Keith
Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America  
By: Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo
Fascism and the Right in Europe 1919-1945  Blinkhorn, Martin
Petras, Veltmeyer: Social Movements in Latin America: Neoliberalism and Popular Resistance

三苗 发表于 2014-10-30 06:57


三苗 发表于 2014-10-30 12:47


三苗 发表于 2014-10-30 17:44


菜籽 发表于 2014-10-31 08:45


三苗 发表于 2014-11-9 22:41

补了本Ming-sho Ho:Working Class Formation in Taiwan


三苗 发表于 2014-11-16 09:51

看Nigel H. Jones: Hitler's Heralds,德国社会民主党为了资本主义真是拼了。

菜籽 发表于 2014-11-16 10:58


三苗 发表于 2014-11-16 11:36

根据Nigel Jones的说法,希特勒和赫斯差点被慕尼黑苏维埃抓到并处死,好可惜。

三苗 发表于 2014-11-16 22:17

Hitler's Heralds的第十六章详细说明了希特勒是怎么和右翼的Freikorp,自由军团结合的。

伯爵 发表于 2014-11-17 13:20


水笺 发表于 2014-11-17 15:42


sunchuanzhao 发表于 2014-11-18 07:33

[quote]Hitler's Heralds的第十六章详细说明了希特勒是怎么和右翼的Freikorp,自由军团结合的。
[size=2][color=#999999]三苗 发表于 2014-11-16 22:17[/color] [url=http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=645156&ptid=93511][img]http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]劳埃特德文原著的书名是“陈词滥调和真实”([/color][/size][/font][i][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]Klischee und Wirklichkeit[/color][/font][/size][/font][/i][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]),所谓陈词滥调指希特勒在《我的奋斗》等言说中反复强调自己是一贯、先知先觉的反犹主义者;真实的历史是[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]1919[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]年初夏前的希特勒没有反犹倾向,最多算是个民族主义者、民粹主义者。书的第一章“居然曾是犹太之友”开首就说没有任何证据能够证实[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]1919[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]年希特勒[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]30[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]岁之前就仇恨犹太人。[/color][/size][/font]
[font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]而[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]1919[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]年是个转折点。是年[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]2[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]月德国爆发社会主义革命,社会上形成了犹太人是引发这场布尔什维克革命观念。在席卷起反犹浪潮的当时,希特勒并没有马上卷入进去,至少到[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]4[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]月为止。希特勒抱着机会主义态度尽可能地推迟复员时间,留在军队里。期间他不仅参加被暗杀的巴伐利亚社会民主党政府总理、犹太人库尔特·埃斯纳的葬礼,而且在[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]4[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]月[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]6[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]日爆发革命,慕尼黑成立了无产阶级专政的巴伐利亚苏维埃政权后,他还当选了所属第二步兵团士兵苏维埃代表,虽然前后仅[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]14[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]天。[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]5[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]月[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]2[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]日苏维埃政权垮台,一周后希特勒“非常识时务地迅速转变阵营”,[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000] [/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]摇身一变和一群小混混成了国防军中的反布尔什维克的干部,担任部队内的“审查和释放委员会”委员。这是因为他曾在军队获得铁十字勋章,被认作“正直可信的人”。(中文版,以下同,[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]66[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]页)而以后在《我的奋斗》和其他言说中,希特勒都隐瞒、抹去或篡改自己这段变色龙般的经历,强调自己一贯反犹、反共。以前几部最重要的希特勒传记作者都遗漏或疏忽了这一段变色龙似的“短暂经历”,[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000] [/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]他们对希特勒的政治特点评价虽有不同,如费斯特认为希特勒“始终都把那些思想只是当作工具”,而阿兰·布洛克则认为希特勒是个“虚无主义、毫无原则玩弄权术的政治家”,([/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]8[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]页)但是劳埃特提出的这些关于[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][font=Century][color=#000000]1919[/color][/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][color=#000000]年春这些证据,表明此前希特勒不过是在军队里混口饭的“艺术家”而已,有点民族主义倾向,并不反犹。可见说反犹在他手里是一种工具、一种权术都不无道理。问题是他怎么会转向反犹的,在什么时候转向的?[/color][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=12pt][/size][/font]

三苗 发表于 2014-11-18 08:41

[b] [url=http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=645203&ptid=93511]678#[/url] [i]sunchuanzhao[/i] [/b]


三苗 发表于 2014-11-19 21:16

开始读Leon Trotsky巨著:History of the Russian Revolution(在美国时买的英文版)。

三苗 发表于 2014-11-21 08:14

[b] [url=http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=645203&ptid=93511]678#[/url] [i]sunchuanzhao[/i] [/b]

另外根据Michael Kellogg的说法,白俄流亡者对希特勒Weltanschauung的形成有很大的影响。

三苗 发表于 2014-11-21 10:11

[b] [url=http://www.yantan.cc/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=645203&ptid=93511]678#[/url] [i]sunchuanzhao[/i] [/b]

This brief German/White Emigre connection nonetheless spurred the creation of Munich-based Aufbau Vereinigung, a conspiratorial anti-Entente anti-Weimar Republic, anti-Bolshevik, and anti-Semitic association od voelkisch Germans……Hitler collaborated closely with Aufbau from 1920 to1923.

Michael Kellogg: The Russian Roots of Nazism, White Emigres and the Making of National Socialism pp.275

三苗 发表于 2014-11-21 21:56

另外,那本臭名昭著的《锡安长老会纪要》也是随着德军从乌克兰撤退的白俄军官带进德国,并影响了Eckart,Alfred Rosenberg和Hitler的。

三苗 发表于 2014-11-22 10:30

Michael Kellogg: The Russian Roots of Nazism 第8章 The four writers of the apocalypse详细描写了白俄对希特勒反犹反布尔什维克的影响。

天淡云闲 发表于 2014-11-22 11:11


吹笛在湖北 发表于 2014-11-23 14:53


三苗 发表于 2014-11-24 15:20

根据Rueschemeyer et al.: Capitalist Development and Democracy pp.112表格中的数字,除了德国工人政党的选票比例大体保持稳定之外,德国天主教中央党的选票数量和比例也保持了稳定。剧烈衰落的是德国两个自由主义政党和保守派的德国国家人民党。这部分选票流向何方一目了然。

三苗 发表于 2014-11-25 19:02

Lawrence Peter King: The Basic Features of Postcommunist Capitalism in Eastern Europe
James P. Cannon: The History of American Trotskyism

三苗 发表于 2014-11-28 11:10

Borstelmann, Thomas: The Cold War and the Color Line: American Race Relations in the Global Arena ;Apartheid's Reluctant Uncle: The United States and Southern Africa in the Early Cold War
  Janek,Wasserman:Black Vienna: The Radical Right in the Red City, 1918-1938  

David Caute: Isaac and Isaiah: The Covert Punishment of a Cold War Heretic  
Victor Serge, Year One of the Russian Revolution  

Bruce G. Carruthers, City of Capital: Politics and Markets in the English Financial Revolution  

David Kideckel, A. Getting By in Postsocialist Romania: Labor, the Body, and Working-Class Culture

三苗 发表于 2014-12-10 13:16

Louis Hunt and Peter McNamara: Liberalism, Conservatism and Hayek's Idea of Spontaneous Order

三苗 发表于 2014-12-13 21:54



伯爵 发表于 2014-12-14 00:17


弱水过客 发表于 2014-12-14 06:24


三苗 发表于 2014-12-18 08:52


三苗 发表于 2014-12-22 19:53

Gil Eyal: The Origins of Postcommunist Elites,


三苗 发表于 2014-12-23 20:13


三苗 发表于 2014-12-25 09:29

Norberto Bobbio: Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition

李梓铭 发表于 2014-12-27 12:31


三苗 发表于 2014-12-30 10:54

Michael Burawoy and Janos Lukacs: The Radiant Past, Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism

三苗 发表于 2014-12-31 08:38

Mike Haynes, Jim Wolfreys ed.: History and Revolution, Refuting Revisionism

三苗 发表于 2015-1-9 19:45

Norman Cohn:  The Pursuitn of the Millennium

三苗 发表于 2015-2-14 20:52

Ernesto Laclau: Emancipation(s)

阿历克斯公爵 发表于 2015-2-15 10:03


三苗 发表于 2015-2-22 21:23

Samuel Farber: Cuba since the Revolution of 1959

三苗 发表于 2015-3-25 10:09

Shelley Baranowski: The Sanctity of Rural Life


三苗 发表于 2015-4-1 21:18

Rebecca Jean-Emigh and Ivan Szelenyi: Poverty, Ethnicity and Gender in Eastern Europe during Market Transition。



三苗 发表于 2015-4-16 15:09

Sean Hanley: The New Right in the New Europe


捷克除了证券私有化之外,还进行了 “全卖光”的“小私有化”


三苗 发表于 2015-4-16 15:37


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