[size=4]今天上午12:15, 我正在南旧金山的一个电视台做节目,刚要关手机,电话就响了。一看是小米,立刻很紧张:这是学校上课时间呐,她怎麽会给我打电话呢?而且她从不打电话,她只给我发短信。我接了,不管主持人的再三催促。[/size]
[size=4]我生了一种怒气,我想杀一只公鸡,在那个E. Meadow 与 Alma St交界的地方,死了四个孩子的地点,我要让公鸡甩着割开的脖子到处飞,将血洒到四面八方,驱除那个召唤孩子魂魄的邪恶力量。[/size]
[size=4]回到家,打开信箱,一封学区教育委员会的短信,通知全体家长今天发生的事情,告知如有心理需要,可以找谁谁谁进行治疗。另一封是冈高中女校长的恶耗短信,希望家长们安抚好自己的孩子。我流了泪,因为消息终於变得真实起来,校长的信上说,这孩子是高三男生,16岁,叫威林姆斯─迪肯斯Williams Dickens,同学好友叫他Will。[/size]
[size=4]我的大米和小米,都在发呆。等我弄完我的事,去看她们,才发现俩个人都哭累了,倒在床上睡着了。我打电话给别的家长,听到了一些零零碎碎的消息。这孩子是昨夜就走了,但他的父母亲是今天早上10点才知道的。他家住在史坦福大学,父母都是大学教授。父亲是法国人,母亲是美国人。早上10点俩个警察上门,敲开门,问清楚姓名, 确认身份後,告知:Your son took his life.[/size]
[size=4]威林姆斯的个性很开朗,死的头一天还跟妹妹一起说说笑笑打电子游戏,他没有任何忧郁自杀的迹象。没人知道他自杀的动机是什麽。[/size] 转个贴,看看人家怎么处理这类问题。
当然,再怎么处理,碰到这样的悲剧,象中国普遍的独生子女家庭,就是天塌了。 同情。 **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** Police can’t stop every Caltrain suicide attemptBy: [url=http://www.sfexaminer.com/bios/51747032.html][color=#ac0505]By Kamala Kelkar[/color][/url]
Examiner staff writer
October 20, 2009
[table=229][tr][td=1,1,247][img=250,157]http://media.sfexaminer.com/images/250*157/A1.Caltrain.jpg[/img] [/td][/tr][tr][td][color=#666666]A person was struck and killed by a Caltrain traveling through Palo Alto Monday night. [/color][/td][/tr][/table]Increased patrols aren’t enough to prevent at-risk teenagers from mimicking the suicides of their peers on Caltrain tracks.
That’s the conclusion of a police detective at the front lines of this year’s string of tragedies.
Rather, intervention starts among friends and family and from within, Palo Alto police Detective Rich Bullerjahn said. Anyone feeling suicidal should tell someone because there are resources everywhere waiting to help, he said.
The most recent death came about 10:50 p.m. Monday, when a 16-year-old boy was struck and killed by a train near East Meadow Drive.
The teenager was the fourth Gunn High School student since May who has died that way. Investigators are calling the trend a cluster, and Caltrain in the past 15 years has not seen anything like it.
“It’s very unusual for us to get teenagers and for them to be in one location,” Caltrain spokeswoman Christine Dunn said. “Those are the two things that just stick out.”
Every year, several people are struck and killed by trains, according to Caltrain officials. At least half are suicides. There were 10 fatalities
and eight suicides in 2005; 17 and nine in 2006; eight and six in 2007; 16 and 13 in 2008; and to date, there have been 13 deaths and four suicides this year.
Police and Caltrain officials have been patrolling the crossing more often since the first death and have made life-saving interceptions. But that’s not a permanent solution, Bullerjahn said.
“It’s kind of a Band-Aid to send a police officer out to monitor train crossings,” he said. “Mental health is not a specialty for police officers.”
Palo Alto Unified School district declined to comment on the apparent suicides.
However, students and administrators will be speaking at a community meeting tonight with specialists, including doctors from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and police officers.
Schools in San Francisco are also sensitive to the impact a cluster can have, even though they have not experienced one in at least 20 years.
“It is always something our teachers and staff are on the lookout for,” San Francisco Unified School District spokeswoman Gentle Blythe said. “We have many different support services that hopefully prevent [students] from even getting to that stage.”
转一下当地的报道,大意是说警察对此无能为力,主要靠父母和朋友协助预防青少年自杀。 现在孩子的教育实在让父母操心。
我同学的儿子今年8岁,那天看到他爸妈吵架,小家伙给我打了电话,他说:阿姨,你叫我爸妈以后不要吵架了,他们再吵我就去自杀。我听后吓了一身冷汗,一时不知所措。 [b] [url=http://www.yantan.org/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=386976&ptid=94582]6#[/url] [i]听月小筑[/i] [/b]
孩子也许虚拟了自杀后的幻想,夸大了自杀的影响力。 孩子,可怜的孩子。