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[转帖] [2004.12.16] Go: The game to beat all games 围棋~~游戏之王
The game to beat all games
The most intellectually testing game ever devised?
有史以来设计出最考验智慧的游戏?【@我是烟囱哥 @悠悠万事97 】
Dec 16th 2004 | from the print edition
Too difficult for computers Getty Images
难倒电脑【@悠悠万事97 】
THE heavyweight pros on late-night cable television boast nicknames such as Monster, Razor, Butcher, Assassin and Knitting Needle. The most famed matches in history include the Blood Vomiting Game of 1835, the Famous Killing Game of 1926 and the Atomic Bomb Game of 1945. No, this is not some bone-crushing contact sport. It is a simple parlour game where two opponents, comfortably seated and often equipped with nothing more than folding paper fans and cigarettes, take turns placing little stones, some black, some white, on a flat wooden grid. Simple regarding rules and gear, that is, yet so challenging that in this mind-game, unlike chess, and despite the long-standing offer of a $1.6m reward for a winning program, no computer has yet been able to outwit a clever ten-year-old.
出现在午夜有线电视(围棋节目)中的职业高手都有显赫的绰号,如妖怪、剃刀、刺客和织针等。 【@悠悠万事97 】【@Blacklights 】Monster 不知道是说谁
可以肯定 Razor是 “剃刀”坂田荣男;Butcher是“屠夫”加藤正夫
Assassin 是“刺客”朴某 (朴正祥?)还是 “杀手”刘昌赫 ?
Knitting Needle 不知道是什么翻译过来的,很有可能是说棋坛女子第一人“绣花针”芮乃伟
历史上最著名的比赛包括1835年的“因彻吐血局 ”(赤星因彻 VS. 丈和 )、1926年的“世纪杀棋之名局 ” ( 本因坊秀哉 VS. 雁金准一 )以及1945年的“原爆下对局 ” (岩本薰 VS. 桥本 )。不不不,这不是什么会伤筋动骨的肢体接触运动,这只是在客厅就能进行的简单游戏,双方甚至不需要纸扇香烟之外的其他东西,只需要舒舒服服的坐着,轮流把或黑或白的小石子放到平整的木格子上。这一智力游戏虽然规则和工具都不复杂,却仍然充满挑战性。与象棋不同,尽管早就有人悬赏,如果有谁能够编出能够打败(职业棋手)的计算机程序,就能获得160万美元的奖金, 仍然没有一台计算机能够在围棋上胜过一个聪明的十岁小孩。
The game known in English as go—Igo in Japanese, Weiqi in Chinese, Baduk in Korean—is not just more difficult and subtle than chess. It may also be the world's oldest surviving game of pure mental skill. Devised in China at least 2,500 years ago, it had stirred enough interest by the time of the Han dynasty (206BC-220AD) to inspire poets, philosophers and strategic theorists. One of these strategists, Huan Tan (who died in 56AD), advises in his work “Xin Lun”, or “New Treatise”, that the best approach in the game is to “spread your pieces widely so as to encircle the opponent.” Second best is to attack and choke off enemy formations. The worst strategy is to cling to a defence of your own territory—a warning that would have benefited, say, the designers of France's 1930s Maginot line.
这个游戏的名称英文叫Go,日文叫Igo,中文叫围棋,韩文叫Baduk。 它不仅比象棋更复杂、更玄妙,还有可能是世界上现存最古老【@悠悠万事97 】的纯智力游戏——至少2500年前,围棋就已于中国诞生。到了汉代(公元前268年-公元220年),它已经激起了包括诗人、哲学家、战略思想家在内的许许多多人的兴趣。其中名叫桓谭(逝世于公元56年)的战略家在他的《新论》中指出:高手下棋都是“远远落子以便围住对方的棋子”。次一点水平的棋手只会贴身扭杀和吃对方的棋子。而初学者只是一味守住自己的地盘。上者,远其疏张,置以会围;中者,则务相绝遮要,以争便求利;下者,则守边隅。
要是上世纪30年代法国马奇诺防线的设计者们能悟到这个道理就好了。 【@悠悠万事97 @我是烟囱哥 】
Don't expect to stop
这篇文章的前一部分是说围棋生于中国,但成长于日本,日本围棋领先于世界数百年,这种局面似乎永远也不会出现改变。 @dqzxf
Go also had a place in Han-era folklore, in the form of the oft-illustrated story of the woodcutter, Wang Zhi. Wandering in a forest, he is said to have happened upon two sages playing a game. Wang settled down to watch, and became so absorbed that when at last one of the players suggested he should go home, he found that the handle of his axe had rotted entirely away. Returning to his village and recognising no one, Wang realised he had been gone for a hundred years. A small exaggeration, perhaps, yet the tale says much about the enduring fascination of a game that begins with an empty board and slowly evolves into ever-increasing complexity.
围棋在汉代的民间传说中也占有一席之地,比如经常被引用的樵夫王质的故事。王质入山伐木,偶遇两位长相不凡的老者在对弈。王质坐下来观棋。他一心观赏棋局,全然忘了过了多长时间。当一位老人提醒他应该回家了时,他这才发现他伐木斧头的斧柄已经全都烂没了。他回到自己所住的村庄后,发现村里的人都不认识了。王质这才明白自己已经离开村子一百年了。“《述异记》烂柯人 信安郡石室山,晋时王质伐木至,见童子数人棋而歌,质因听之。童子以一物与质,如枣核,质含之而不觉饥。俄顷,童子谓曰:"何不去?"质起视,斧柯尽烂。既归,无复时人。”
可能有点夸张,不过这传说确实指出了围棋那持久的吸引力—— 对局起始,棋盘上是一个棋子也没有,但随着棋局的进程,局面会变得愈来愈复杂。
Although the roots of chess extend to ancient India and Persia, its present rules were fixed only in the early 19th century. Arabic manuscripts do record, move for move, chess-like games from a thousand years ago, but the oldest fully registered game played by recognisably modern rules took place in Barcelona in 1490. By contrast, the earliest completely recorded game of go, pitting Prince Sun Ce against his general, Lu Fan, and showing tactics almost exactly the same as those used today, is believed to date from 196AD. The 12th-century go manual, “Wang You Qing Le Ji”, or “Collection of the Carefree and Innocent Pastime”, includes dozens of complete, numbered diagrams from actual games that were certainly played during the Tang dynasty (618-907AD), as well as complex puzzles that remain testing for present-day amateurs.
Tang-dynasty fashion ranked proficiency at go as one of the “four accomplishments” necessary for a cultivated gentleman, along with lute-playing, calligraphy and painting. It was during this era that the passion for go, like so much of the high culture of metropolitan China, made its way to such outlying kingdoms as Korea, Tibet and, most infectiously, Japan. Go was all the rage in Japanese courtly circles by the 11th century, as is known from its appearance in Lady Murasaki's great novel of the time, “The Tale of Genji”, in the famous—and again often-illustrated—scene where Prince Genji spies through a screen on two ladies playing the game.
唐朝时盛行把“棋”视为君子必备的“四艺”之一,其他还包括“琴、书、画”。就是在这个时期,围棋像许多其他来自中国大都市的高雅文化一样, 传到了周围的番邦:朝鲜、西藏,和最受其影响的日本。围棋是11世纪日本皇室中最盛行的游戏,就像紫氏部在当时最伟大的小说《源氏物语》中描写那最著名、也是最经常被描述场景的一样——光源氏从屏风的缝隙中偷看两位宫女下围棋。
As in China, go in Japan remained for centuries a mere aristocratic pastime, until a sudden flowering under the shoguns of the Edo period (1603-1867). Many of the great warlords of that age being themselves aficionados—in the belief that go provided excellent training for military tactics and strategy—it was not surprising that patronage of the game should have flourished. Four great go schools, all sponsored by the state, were established during the 17th century, as was the ranking system for players that is still used today and the supreme position of Meijin, or go-master to the shogun himself. Meijin Dosaku (who died in 1702), the fourth head of the Honinbo go school, is held by many Japanese to have been the game's greatest player. Although records of only 153 of his matches are preserved, he is said to have achieved the biggest advances in theory since the invention of go.
就像在中国一样,围棋在日本几个世纪以来也一直只是宫廷皇族的消遣,却在江户幕府时期突然繁盛起来。当时许多大将军怀着围棋可以提高他们军事指挥技巧的信念迷上了它,也难怪对于围棋的支持为何逐渐兴起。17世纪时,四所由国家赞助的高级围棋道场相继建成,同时确立的还有一直沿用到今天的棋手等级制度及“名人”至高无上的地位。“名人”也兼任幕府将军的围棋教师。 曾作为本因坊围棋道场第四任掌门的名人道策(-1702)一直以来都被日本人视为做出色的围棋手。尽管他只留下了153盘棋的对局棋谱, 人们还是认为他是自从围棋被发明以来在理论上贡献最大的人。
Proper patronage, professionalisation and the rivalry between schools certainly elevated the standard of play in Japan far above that in China. It was in Japan, too, that skill in the manufacture of go equipment reached its peak, in the cutting of perfect boards from the rare, 700-year-old kaya tree, the use of slate for the black pieces and clamshell for the white, and in the fashioning of bowls made of precious mulberry wood to keep them in. Today, a new, top-quality set of this type may cost $150,000.
Not even the end of state go sponsorship that came with the 1868 Meiji revolution—Japan's dramatic opening to the West and its headlong embrace of modernism—was to dent this dominance. By the 1880s, Tokyo newspapers had begun sponsoring go tournaments on a scale that made it possible both to sustain high standards and to maintain a class of full-time professional players. When they ventured abroad before the 1930s, to Japan's new colonies of Taiwan and Korea, and then to Manchuria, or into the warlord-torn Chinese hinterlands, such players felt obliged to handicap themselves by granting native opponents large advantages.
就连国家对围棋的资助由于1868年明治维新(日本突然地对西开放并急切地拥抱现代思想)而终结也没有削弱这股优势。到了1880年,东京的报纸开始赞助围棋锦标赛,赞助十分可观,使得围棋界能够同时兼具保持高标准并养活一群专业的全职棋手。在19世纪30年代前,当他们远洋到台湾、朝鲜、满洲等日本的新殖民地,或是冒险进入被军阀割据【@Wesyman 】的中国内地时,悬殊的实力差距使他们认为自己有义务为对方让子 。【@Blacklights @Wesyman @little_deer 】
A century of surprises
That has changed. The past century has been the most dramatic in go history. The first surge of excitement came in 1926, when a Japanese pro, Iwamoto Kaoru, discovered a 12-year-old prodigy by the name of Wu Qing Yuan in Beijing.Once word of the boy's skill had reached Japan, invitations were soon forthcoming. By the time he was 19, Mr Wu was beating Japan's top players. Having eliminated all rivals, he won the honour in 1933 of battling the tenth reigning Meijin, Honinbo Shusai, 21st in the line of masters of the great Honinbo school.
但是这些都变了。过去的一个世纪可以说是围棋历史上上变化最为剧烈的时期。 第一股激动人心的大潮在1926年到来:日本的围棋高手岩本薫在北京发现了一个12岁的神童吳清源。关于他高超棋艺的舆论一到达日本,邀请函便接踵而至。当他19岁的时候,吴清源已经打败了日本的顶尖棋手。1933年,在淘汰了所有对手之后,吴清源得到了挑战日本的第十位名人、二十一世本因坊,本因坊秀哉的荣誉。
Mr Wu's opening, a sharp, direct lunge for territory, was seen as shocking, even insulting, to his elder. The ailing Meijin eventually carried the match, but only just, and after shamelessly exploiting his rank to postpone play 13 times, over three months. It was even rumoured that his brilliant, tide-turning 160th move had been devised, in breach of strict rules, by one of the Honinbo disciples.
吴清源在这盘对弈中采用的布局非常大胆,完全放弃了守地的布局理论,引起了轩然大波。人们甚至认为这是对比他年长的名人的侮辱。拖着病体的名人最终赢了这盘棋,但他充分利用了自己名人上手的地位,对弈期间共打挂13次,将这一盘对局拖延了3个月才下完,赢得很不光彩。 甚至有传言,他出色而逆转全局的第160步是一个坊门弟子帮他想出来的,而这违反了严格的围棋规则。
Start young Corbis
Five years later, Shusai was unseated by a friend of Mr Wu's, in another excruciatingly long match that was to become the subject of an allegorical novel about the decline of old Japan by Yasunari Kawabata, who won the 1968 Nobel prize for literature. Soon after, Mr Wu beat his friend and, over the next 20 years, until he was injured by a motorcycle while crossing a Tokyo street, the Chinese prodigy proceeded to crush every one of Japan's top professionals in an unbroken sequence of victorious ten-game super-matches, known as juban-go.
Mr Wu's game declined after his accident, and he retired from professional play in 1983. Still, at 90 years of age, he has had the pleasure of seeing his own countrymen re-emerge as serious challengers for global ascendance. During the Cultural Revolution, go was demoted from its place among the “four accomplishments” to become one of the four, discarded, “rotten pasts”. Yet in the 1970s a few Chinese players, among them Nie Weiping, who had spent years on a pig farm in internal exile, managed to chalk up individual successes against Japanese opponents. In the 1980s the Chinese began to score team wins with growing frequency, until in 1996 the Japanese cancelled a series of bilateral contests because the results had grown embarrassing.
Significantly, the only two women to reach the rank of nine-dan, roughly equivalent to grand master in chess, are Chinese, and both have emerged within the past 15 years. One of them, Rui Naiwei, is among the world's top 15 players. In 2000 the Iron Lady, as Ms Rui is often called, trounced the world's two top-seeded male players, one after the other in a single tournament.
值得注意的是,唯一两个达到九段(大致和象棋中的特级大师【@little_deer 】地位相似)的女棋手,都是中国人,也都是在最近15年里浮现的。其中芮乃伟还是世界排名前15的选手之一。2000年时,“铁娘子”芮乃伟在一场锦标赛中一个接一个的痛击了被世人视为头号种子的两位男棋手。
China's resurgence may not be surprising. Half of the world's 30m or so go players are Chinese, and sponsorship has grown in China, along with general prosperity. China now fields some 300 professional players, compared with 450 in Japan.
...and never give up Bridgeman
The new phenomenon in go is the meteoric rise of South Korea, a country long regarded by its neighbours as a backwater. The first Korean to be noticed internationally was Cho Chik-un. Moving to Japan as a child, he went professional in 1967 at the age of 11. By the time he was 27, Mr Cho held all four top Japanese titles at once. Mr Cho still earns more than any other go player in Japan and, say some, ranks fifth in the world in skill.
Yet Mr Cho's record pales in comparison with South Korea's own Cho Hoon-hyun, currently the world number three. Preferring to stay in his native land, this Mr Cho won a record 16 consecutive Paewan titles, one of South Korea's swankiest, before losing, in 1992, to his own pupil, the current world champion, Lee Chang-ho. Mr Lee, whose legion of Korean fans call him the Stone Buddha, has the distinction of concurrently holding five out of the seven main international men's titles. He is thought to earn nearly $1m a year.
Korea is go-mad. With less than half Japan's population, it has almost three times as many active players. Go schools and clubs clog the halls of apartment buildings in Seoul, a city that supports two full-time go channels on cable television. No surprise, then, that Koreans have taken 41 out of the 54 international cups won since worldwide tournaments, rather than just national ones, were first launched in 1988. That compares with ten for Japan and three for China.
The grandest of all, the $400,000 Ing cup, established by a Taiwanese magnate and contested only once every four years, has never left Korea. The best-of-five games finals for the 2004 Ing cup will take place early in January, pitting Korea's latest bombshell, 19-year-old Choi Cheol-han, against China's 28-year-old Chang Hao. It promises to be a mighty clash, since—as the Chinese proverb says—chess is a battle, but go is war.
最重大的比赛,也就是由台湾巨头设立的每四年比赛一次、奖金达到400000美金的应氏杯,从来没有离开韩国人之手。2004年的应氏杯五强赛将在一月上旬举行,由韩国最新的爆炸性人物,19岁的崔哲瀚对战中国的28岁选手常昊。这有望成为一场极其激烈的冲突,就像中国的谚语说的“象棋是一场战役, 围棋是一场战争”。 |
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