海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 这句古诗,适用于全球化的步履,请君笑看三国英文版,译得如此曲径通幽,醍醐灌顶: Romance of Three Kingdoms (直译:三个王国的传奇故事) 滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。 白发渔樵江渚上, 惯看秋月春风。一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 ——调寄《临江仙》 The Beginning Song (and also the ending song) So sung: O so vast, O so mighty, The Great River rolls to sea, Flowers do waves thrash, Heroes do sands smash, When all the dreams drain, Same are loss and gain. Green mountains remain, Under pink sunsets, Hoary fishers and woodcutters, Along the banks, find calm water, In autumn moon or in spring wind, By the wine jars, fill porcelain. Discuss talk and tale, Only laugh and gale... 第一回 宴桃园豪杰三结义 斩黄巾英雄首立功 Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds. 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉 分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下,后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。推其致乱之由,殆始于桓、灵二帝。桓帝禁锢善类,崇信宦官。及桓帝崩,灵帝即位,大将军窦武、太傅陈蕃共相辅佐。时有宦官曹节等弄权,窦武、陈蕃谋诛之,机事不密,反为所害,中涓自此愈横。 The world under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite; after a long period of union, tends to divide. This has been so since antiquity. When the rule of the Zhou Dynasty weakened, seven contending kingdoms sprang up, warring one with another until the kingdom of Qin prevailed and possessed the empire. But when Qin\'s destiny had been fulfilled, arose two opposing kingdoms, Chu and Han, to fight for the mastery. And Han was the victor. The rise of the fortunes of Han began when Liu Bang the Supreme Ancestor slew a white serpent to raise the banners of uprising, which only ended when the whole empire belonged to Han (BC 202). This magnificent heritage was handed down in successive Han emperors for two hundred years, till the rebellion of Wang Mang caused a disruption. But soon Liu Xiu the Latter Han Founder restored the empire, and Han emperors continued their rule for another two hundred years till the days of Emperor Xian, which were doomed to see the beginning of the empire\'s division into three parts, known to history as The Three Kingdoms. But the descent into misrule hastened in the reigns of the two predecessors of Emperor Xian---Emperors Huan and Ling---who sat in the dragon throne about the middle of the second century. Emperor Huan paid no heed to the good people of his court, but gave his confidence to the Palace eunuchs. He lived and died, leaving the scepter to Emperor Ling, whose advisers were Regent Marshal Dou Wu and Imperial Guardian Chen Fan. Dou Wu and Chen Fan, disgusted with the abuses of the eunuchs in the affairs of the state, plotted the destruction for the power-abusing eunuchs. But Chief Eunuch Cao Jie was not to be disposed of easily. The plot leaked out, and the honest Dou Wu and Chen Fan were put to death, leaving the eunuchs stronger than before. |