昔日打老师揍同学, 今天爱祖国颂民主

本帖最后由 Epiphany 于 2023-6-21 10:42 编辑

昔日打老师揍同学, 今天爱祖国颂民主

by Jacob, from Shanghai

Hello, are you aware of 王希苏? No you are not, I guess, judging from your vacant look. 王希苏, let me assure you, is one of those who are perfectly devoted to the supreme democracy in mainland China. Please read his eloquent words, even more eloquent than the best editorials in the People's Daily:


The link: 王希苏:理直气壮地为中国民主喝彩

When he was a student at Fudan University, 王希苏 favored the martial arts over the art of Chinese democracy. A martial artist, he drew pleasure from beating his own teachers and classmates. Especially did he enjoy slapping their faces in public. He was confident that they dared not fight back because they were just a bunch of intellectual cowards who could not defend themselves and would never defend one another. Scarcely was he overconfident, as shown in the following report:















The link: https://banned-historical-archives.github.io/articles/50fd7b725b/

Gustave Flaubert (古斯塔夫·福楼拜, 1821 – 1880) once wrote: "With the gods gone, and Christ not yet come, there was a unique moment, from Cicero to Marcus Aurelius, when man stood alone." (历史上曾有一段独一无二的时期, 从Cicero开始一直到Marcus Aurelius为止: 诸神不再, 基督未来, 这是一个独立的人的时代。)

There was also a unique moment in the annals of mainland China, from 1966 to 1976, when teachers were mentally humiliated and physically assaulted by their own students.

History is fond of its own echoes, and time is good at the game of symmetry. Years pass, and 王希苏 has turned from a martial artist heaping miseries on Fudan people into a con artist heaping praises on Chinese democracy. Let's wish him well, and let's hope the art of Chinese democracy will someday, sooner rather than later, outshine the art of North Korean democracy as the greatest, the most glorious and the most correct art of democracy ever theorized and practiced by the human race in this wide world.

You see, I have a weakness for anecdotes about the past. One of my relatives, however, has strong reservations about this habit of mine, deeming it unwise and even dangerous. "If you plan to join the earnest fools and the solemn scoundrels," says my aunt, "be sure to keep your memory short, because the Party hates those who have long memories."