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VIII. THE two remaining crimes and offenses, against the persons of his majesty's subjects, are infringements of their natural liberty: concerning the first of which false imprisonment, its nature and incidents, I must content myself with referring the student to what was observed in the preceding volume,46 when we considered it as a mere civil injury. But, besides the private satisfaction given to the individual by action, the law also demands public vengeance for the breach of the king's peace, for the loss which the state sustains by the confinement of one of its members, and for the infringement of the good order of society. We have before seen,47 that the most atrocious degree of this offense, that of sending any subject of this realm a prisoner into parts beyond the seas, whereby he is deprived of the friendly assistance of the laws to redeem him from such his captivity, is punished with the pains of praemunire, and incapacity to hold any office, without any possibility of pardon.48 Inferior degrees of the same offense of false imprisonment are also punishable by indictment (like assaults and batteries) and the delinquent may be fined and imprisoned.49 And indeed50 there can be no doubt, but that all kinds of crimes of a public nature all disturbances of the peace, all oppressions, and other misdemeanors whatsoever, of a notoriously evil example, may be indicted at the suit of the king.

VIII. 剩下的两种危及国王臣民的罪行,便是侵犯他们的自然自由:第一种是错误监禁,其性质和演变过程,请学生参考前一卷的评论,当时我们将其仅仅视为一种世俗伤害。但是,通过诉讼给与个人满意的补偿之外,法律也要求对这种破坏国王的和平的行为,或者因为对国家的一个成员的拘禁而产生的损失,或者对社会良好秩序的侵犯行为给与公共报复。我们之前已经知道,这种侵犯的最恶劣程度,便是将这个王国内的任何被监禁者遣送至海外(前面已经说过,这样被监禁者将丧失王国法律的保护。[译注]),他(遣送者)将因此丧失法律将其从监禁中赎回的友好援助,将被施以藐视王权的痛苦,将再无资格担任任何官职,并且不可能得到国王的宽恕。错误监禁侵犯的较低级程度,也可能遭到起诉(比如攻击和殴打),失职者可能被处以罚金和监禁。实际上毫无疑问,所有扰乱和平,所有的压迫,所有其它的轻罪,只要其公共性质树立了一个罪恶昭彰的先例,都可以在国王法庭上进行起诉。
1,I.stability of possession;II.transference by consent;III.performance of promises.
IX. THE other remaining offense, that of kidnapping, being the forcible abduction or stealing away of man, woman, or child from their own country, and selling them into another, was capital by the Jewish law, "He that steals a man, and sells him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death."51 So likewise in the civil law, the offense of spiriting away and stealing men and children, which was called plagium, and the offenders plagiarii, was punished with death.52 This is unquestionably a very heinous crime, as it robs the king of his subjects, banishes a man from his country, and may in its consequences be productive of the most cruel and disagreeable hardships; and therefore the common law of England has punished it with fine, imprisonment, and pillory.53 And also the statute 11 & 12 W. III. c. 7. though principally intended against pirates, has a clause that extends to prevent the leaving of such persons abroad, as are thus kidnapped or spirited away; by enacting, that if any captain of a merchant vessel shall (during his being abroad) force any person on shore, or wilfully leave him behind, or refuse to bring home all such men as he carried out, if able and desirous to return, he shall suffer three months imprisonment. And thus much for offenses that more immediately affect the persons of individuals.

IX. 最后一种侵犯是绑架,将男人,女人或孩童从他们的故土上强制诱骗或偷走,然后贩卖到别的地方,犹太法律规定为一级重罪,“他偷走了一个人,然后贩卖,或者发现另一个人在他手上,他应当被处死。”同样的在查士丁尼法典中,绑架和偷走成人和孩童的侵犯,被称为“绑架”(plagium,拉丁文,即kidnapping),侵犯者被称为“绑架者”,并被处以死刑。这无可争议的是一种非常恶劣的罪行,如同抢劫国王的臣民,或将一个人驱逐出他的国家,而且可能会给受害人带来最残酷和反感的苦难;所以英格兰的共同法对这种罪行施以罚金,监禁和镣铐示众。威廉三世(1650-1702)第11年&12年法案第7章,虽然主要意图惩罚海盗,其中也有一条扩展至阻止这样的人身被离弃国外,被视为绑架;法律规定——如果任何商船的船长强制任何人不得登船,或肆意将他抛弃,或拒绝将他带出去的人带回来,如果他能够且想要回来的话,船长应当被监禁三个月。更即刻的影响到个体人身的侵犯就讲这么多。
1,I.stability of possession;II.transference by consent;III.performance of promises.
1,I.stability of possession;II.transference by consent;III.performance of promises.
1,I.stability of possession;II.transference by consent;III.performance of promises.