首先,除了[先乘除後加減],[括弧運算優先]以外,還有[係數運算優先]&[指數/根號運算優先] 也就是說,當題目是{30÷2x÷5,x=2+3}時結果無意外的會是0.6因為2作為x的係數,運算優先度高於30÷2 因此回到問題,究竟2(2+3)的2算不算是2+3的[係數]?取決於這是一個代數運算式還是純數運算式 然而,在純數運算的領域中,2(2+3)根本就是一個非法的算式必須補一個乘號上去,可是這乘號是給你說補就補?!所以比較正確的做法,就是直接告訴你[算式有誤]或是理解成代數運算,答案為0.6 =============================================================== 總而言之,這個問題的答案終究是[未定義]但是不會是"15",而是"算式有誤"或是"0.6" =============================================================== 其實還有其他類似的問題,例如美國就討論過 48/2(9+3) 另外 http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/54341.htmlax/by=? 是 (a*x/b)*y 還是 (a*x)/(b*y) 在專家回答的結論這樣說:So to answer your question, I think both answers can be considered right - which means, of course, that the question itself is wrong. I prefer the standard way (your first answer) when talking to students, unless their own text gives the "implicit multiplication first" rule; but in practice if I came across that expression, I would probably first check where it came from to see if I could tell what was intended. The main lesson to learn is not which rule to follow, but how to avoid ambiguity in what you write yourself. Don't give other people this kind of trouble. 題意不清,需要檢查前面的算式,請避免這樣的寫法 =============================================================== 目前而言,[被省略的乘號優先計算]這條規則並沒有被正式承認他終究只是在代數運算領域中的習慣用法最後還是需要世界級的數學單位做出結論才行 作者: 网事情缘 时间: 2011-5-5 01:51