Long time not contact. How's every thing? Time flights so fast. I am in canada over 8 years now and Michael(Xiao Hu我女儿童年的朋友) is 18 years old , big guy. How's huang Zhong Xian(我女儿)? A big beautiful girl? She almost graduate from high school I think. Which university is she planing to join. She s so smart, should get offer from top univeristies.
Michael most likely will join to Univisity of Waterloo for the program of Chemicial Engineering as this univeristy is very close to my house (only 5 mins driving) and rank of Top 3 in Cannda. I am working in Research in Motion who makes Black Berry smart phone as Quality Engineer and Gui Hai is runing his own business ( Car repaire and Service).
Michael and I will go back China this Summer( 1st July to 18th July, Toronto to Shanghai) before he starts univeristy. Hope we can meet sometime.