【利比亚新政府发言人:我们有中国与卡扎菲武器交易的确凿证据,他们从卡扎菲那里缴获了所有这笔武器交易文件证明这一事实。】"We have hard evidence of deals going on between China and Gaddafi, and we have all the documents to prove it," Abdulrahman Busin told the Times.半岛快讯。
【纽约时报:利比亚官员称,在卡扎菲统治的最后几个星期里,中国企业提供给他大量武器,明显违反了制裁规定。】 In the final weeks of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s rule, Chinese companies offered him large stockpiles of weapons in apparent violation of sanctions, officials in Libya said.
【利比亚临时政府发言人:查获的中国售卡扎菲武器文件由中国官方签署】This deal is a real deal and we have seen the official documents. It was signed by Chinese officials, and it was to send guns and artillery to Libya through Algiers to expedite the deal.
【利比亚临时政府称,要对向卡扎菲出售武器的国家和公司采取法律和外交行动】 "We'll be going through legal channels, through international courts, as well as the United Nations itself, either to prosecute them or to come to a diplomatic understanding."
【路透社:姜瑜针对中国向卡扎菲出售武器的解释前后矛盾:说中国政府对此不知情,是武器公司和卡扎菲做的生意,没有签订合同交货。既然不知情,怎么知道没签订合同交货呢?】"The Chinese companies did not sign arms trade contacts, nor did they export military items to Libya," Jiang Yu said.
利比亚临时政府公布中国出售给卡扎菲武器清单,称人赃俱获。图为CNN电视截屏 视频连接http://t.cn/a1IygJ作者: 力末 时间: 2011-9-6 17:12