“They are their own little nation,” said Pasquale Liguori, who lost his daughter, a foreign-language student from Naples, Italy, who was on her first visit to China with her boyfriend. “The China Railways Ministry killed my daughter, and they want to hide everything that happened. It is revolting.”
“他们自己就是一个小王国。”Pasquale Liguori说道,他失去了自己的女儿,一名来自意大利那不勒斯的外国学生,她是和自己男朋友第一次来中国旅游。“中国的铁道部杀害了我的女儿,现在他们还想隐藏当时所发生的一切。简直是天理难容。”作者: ironland 时间: 2014-7-24 08:43