1) 在正式晚宴上如何吃玉米棒子(How would you eat corn on the cob at a formal dinner)?
a) 用双手小心捧起玉米,从左侧吃到右侧(Carefully pick up with two hands and eat from left to right)
b) 把玉米粒从棒子上剥离下来,然后用刀叉来吃(Cut kernels from cob and eat with a knife and fork)
c) 这是一个伪问题,正式晚宴上不会出现玉米棒子。Don't worry about it. Corn on the cob is never served at formal dinners.
d) 在玉米棒上沾满黄油,吃法随意,吃完舔舔手指(Butter the corn liberally, eat with relish and lick your fingers when done)。
2) 通过大门走向外面时,谁应该为谁扶门(When walking through the outside door leading to the mall, who holds the door for whom)?
a) 年轻男子为年长女子扶门(A young man holds the door for an older woman)。
b) 年轻女子为年长男子扶门(A young woman holds the door for an older man)。
c) 谁在前面谁扶门(Whoever goes in first holds the door)。
d) 上述三种答案均可(All of the above)。
3) 开会时你的手机响了,你应该怎么办(You receive a cell phone call while you're in an important meeting. What do you do)?
a) 按接听键,离开会议到走廊里通话(Answer it and excuse yourself to have the conversation in the hall.
b) 让铃声接着响,直到停止(Let it ring until it stops)。
c) 按接听键,转过身小声通话(Answer the phone and turn your back for conversation privacy)。
d) 开会前关掉手机,会后查看短信(Turn off the phone before the meeting and check for messages when the meeting is over)。
4) 餐桌上发现你不明白的餐具,你应该怎么办(There are unusual utensils at your place setting. What do you do)?
a) 悄悄地向邻座打问这是做什么用的餐具(Discreetly ask your neighbor what they are for)。
b) 观察桌上其他人的做法,学者他们的样子使用(Observe which utensils others are using and follow his or her example)。
c) 自行猜度,但愿没有弄错(Guess which to use and hope for the best)。
d) 不管它,怎么方便就怎么用(Ignore the questionable utensils and eat the way you are comfortable)。
5) 在餐馆吃饭时,你把手包放在什么位置(Where do you place your purse while dining at a restaurant)?
a) 放在餐桌上,餐具的右侧(On the table to the right of your place setting)。
b) 挂在椅背或者一侧(Hanging over the back or arm of your chair)。
c) 放在地上(On the floor)。
d) 放在膝盖上,或者放在身后椅子靠背前(On your lap or between your back and the chair)。
6) 一位客户走进你的办公室,你如何迎接(A customer walks into your office. How do you greet her/him)?
a) 起立,从办公桌后走出来欢迎对方,握手,并自我介绍,请对方坐下(Stand up, step from behind the desk, greet the person, shake hands, introduce yourself and offer them a seat)。
b) 热情地微笑,伸手示意对方落座(Smile warmly and gesture for them to sit)。
c) 正在打电话,带通话结束后再欢迎对方(Wrap up the telephone call you were involved in and greet them when you hang up.
d) 对客户表示欢迎,等对方落座后问你能做些什么(Greet them and wait for them to be seated before asking them how you can help them)。
7) “美国式晚餐”与“大陆式晚餐”的区别是什么(What is the difference between the American and Continental styles of dining)?
a) “大陆式晚餐”只有法国餐馆提供(Continental is used only at French restaurants)。
b) 美式吃法的餐具摆法不同(Place settings are different for American style eating)。
c) “大陆式晚餐”在就餐时要求双手同时动作(Continental requires use of both left and right hands simultaneously to manipulate food)。
d) 拿起银质餐具后就不应该再放下(Once you pick up your silverware you never put it down in the Continental style)。
8) 找工作面试时最好穿什么服装(What is the best way to dress for a job interview)?
a) 随便穿什么(Wear what you wear to the mall)。
b) 展示身上的纹身图案和穿孔,使雇主知道将来和什么人打交道(Expose all tattoos and piercings so the prospective employer will know what they can expect to see each day)。
c) 穿保守、商务性服装,这样面试者在面试过程中会注意你这个人而不是你的衣服(Wear conservative, business style clothes so the interviewer can pay attention to what you are saying, not what you are wearing)。
d) 穿时下最流行的服装款式,使所有人都知道你有多酷(Dress in the latest fashions so everyone will know how cool you are)。
9) 排成一行迎接来宾的队伍最多应该有几个人(What is the maximum appropriate number of people in a receiving line)?
a) 多少都可以(As many as there are)。
b) 不超过6个人(No more than six)。
c) 12个(Twelve).
d) 2个(Two)。
10) 就餐中在喝饮料之前,为什么应该先用餐巾纸擦一下嘴(Why should you pat your lips with a napkin before taking a sip of a beverage? )?
a) 避免面包渣调入饮料杯中(To prevent crumbs from falling in your beverage)。
b) 使你的嘴唇看起来光鲜(So your lips will look plump and buffed)。
c) 这是一个信号,向服务员表示你需要添加饮料了(As a signal to the server that your glass needs filling.)。
d) 避免在饮料杯上留下污迹(To avoid leaving a spot on the glass)。作者: emmer 时间: 2009-5-6 15:36