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标题: [转帖] 美国名牌大学招生方法 [打印本页]

作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-12 22:54     标题: 美国名牌大学招生方法


9月25日,在马里兰州的德国镇,前耶鲁大学招生办公室工作人员杰茂‧凯撒(Jamal Caesar)和毕业于哈佛大学的大卫‧金(David Kim)针对校方的要求与招生方式,学生在申请过程中应该做什么与不应该做什么,做了详实的介绍。

学业 活动 性格 - 选择学生的三要素

杰茂说招生办是从ABC三方面来挑选学生的,A代表学业(Academic),B代表活动(Activities),C代表性格(Characters)。 学业是指分数和成绩(GPA),这个非常重要,通常成绩在前8%或10%的学生才能进入耶鲁大学,如果其它方面非常优秀,成绩至少也要在前15%。



全面衡量学生各方面的能力也是学校选择的标淮之一,学生可以通过参与多项课外甚至是校外活动来证明自己的能力,例如音乐、体育、新闻写作、 领导能力、社区服务等活动。杰茂说平均来讲一般一个学生至少参与过五项活动,最好早一点参与,不要等到高中的最后一年。另外,了解一下意向学校注重哪方面 的活动也会很有帮助,例如耶鲁大学就很注重社区服务这样的活动。


学校是根据学生的个人短文(personal essay) 、个人声明(personal statement)、推荐信以及面谈来了解学生的,杰茂说个人简介对自己的介绍一定要个人化(personal),体现出一个独特的个体。个人声明应体 现出个人的成长,例如自己以前怎样,现在又怎样,在校外,你做过些什么,通过这些描述,尽力帮助招生办的人员了解到你是怎样一个人。

关于推荐信,应该选择认识了几年的人来做推荐人,而且此人能够对你有非凡的评价,让校方了解你是如何的与众不同。如果你淮备主修某个专业,你应该找与那个专 业相关的老师来为你写推荐信。杰茂建议学生应主动与负责自己的学生顾问建立良好的关系,以便他们可以为自己写出不同一般的推荐信。


至于面谈,由于申请的学生太多,耶鲁大学不要求申请人必须要面谈,但面谈可以帮助校方更好地了解申请人,为录取铺路。申请人可以在高中最后一年主动与招生办联繫,定好面谈时间和地点。面谈可以在耶鲁大学,也可以在当地校友会的校友义务执行。像大华盛顿地区有很多耶鲁大学的毕业生,当申请人向耶鲁大学招生办递 交了面谈申请后,就会有当地的校友主动来与申请人联繫,定下面谈的时间和地点。



大卫说写个人短文时,应该从三方面来写,首先是对自我的介绍,什么样的形容词最能表现你,你对什么最有热情,你最羡慕什么,为什么羡慕,对自己的能力的评 估,哪些是自己的强项与弱项;谁对自己有著深刻的影响,怎样的影响,还可以讨论一些对自己很重要的人物或地区、国家或者国际的事件。





面谈对于申请人的入学既能起到正面作用也可能起到负面作用。大卫说面谈时不要紧张,如果是校友会的成员来进行面谈,这些人都是志愿者,所以面谈的地点可能是 他们的办公室、家里、咖啡厅等对他们方便的场所,在面谈的时间上应尽量配合他们的时间。第一印象极其重要,所以要衣著得体,讲话清楚,彬彬有礼,例如握手 时表现诚意,讲话时看著对方,表现得有兴致,要提前到达,面谈后寄感谢卡给对方,面谈时带上履历表(resume),学生家长不要在附近旁听。

面谈中一些常见的问题有以下几个方面:你为什么选择这所学校?我们为什么要录取你?你的目标是什么?什么是你的强项和弱项?你曾经取得过哪些成就?你遇到过 的最大的挑战是什么?你是如何处理的?你的兴趣与爱好是什么?你打算主修哪个专业?为什么选择这个专业?有时还会问到有关时事,政治甚至宗教方面的问题, 对此,申请人应该小心斟酌地回答这样的问题。

大卫说面谈是会话,不是审问,提问可以是双向的,这样也可以让气氛更融洽。申请人可以反过 来问面谈者一些问题,例如询问对方在过去的学生生涯中有过什么特殊的经历,主修的是什么,参与过哪些活动,学校的校风是怎样的,教师如何,学生是否容易与 他们接触,对自己即将开始的学校生活有哪些建议等问题。
作者: 天边外    时间: 2009-10-13 13:36

作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-13 21:23


“面试”为oral exam,由某个专业的考官问试学生的专业。
作者: 天边外    时间: 2009-10-13 23:47

3# kemingqian


作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-14 09:23

作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-14 09:27

本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2009-10-14 09:28 编辑

天边外 发表于 2009-10-13 23:47

作者: 天边外    时间: 2009-10-14 13:29

作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-15 10:29


作者: 竹南    时间: 2009-10-15 11:21

作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-15 19:56


作者: kemingqian    时间: 2009-10-31 03:26


Alumni Interviews

How do I arrange to have a local interview?
After you :(t your freshman application to the Admissions Office, you will be sent a letter acknowledging receipt of your application. In that letter, you will be notified whether a Yale Alumni Schools Committee (ASC) covers your area. Local alumni interviews are conducted by the Yale ASC. If an ASC member is available to meet with you, he/she will contact you to schedule an interview.

What is the role of the alumni interview?
The ASC interview is an opportunity for you to engage in a dialogue with a local Yale alumni representative. Alumni interviewers can be a valuable resource, providing first-hand knowledge of what it is like to live and study at Yale. The interview also allows the Admissions Committee to learn more about you and how you might contribute to the Yale community. If you are offered an interview with an ASC member and have not had an on-campus interview, the Admissions Committee encourages you to meet with your local Yale alumni representative.

My area is not covered by a Yale ASC. What does that mean?
Alumni interviews are conducted by interviewing committees linked to specific high schools. Either your school is not covered by an interviewing committee, or the address you provided suggests that you are not currently living in the area of your high school of record. Please note that it is not pos:( for us to interview all applicants, and that an interview is not required for admission to Yale.

Is my application jeopardized because I am not offered an interview?
Absolutely not. Please remember that interviews are not required and many of Yale's applicants are not interviewed. The Admissions Committee will base the admissions decision on the other documents presented in your application to Yale.

I have questions about Yale that I would have posed to my alumni interviewer, but I will not have the opportunity to meet with an ASC member. What should I do?
You may email questions about academic, residential or extracurricular life at Yale to [email protected]. A current Yale student will respond to your inquiry.

Can I have an on-campus interview?
On-campus interviews are available to high school seniors from late June through mid-November only. [More information...]

Since my area is not covered by an ASC, can I be interviewed by a different ASC?
Each ASC is charged with interviewing candidates for a specific area. Given the large volume of applications we receive, the resources of our ASCs may be limited, and we cannot reassign you to another ASC

I already had an on-campus interview. Do I also need to interview with a Yale alumnus?
In this case, depending on the resources of the ASC, you may or may not be contacted by an alumni interviewer. If an ASC member does contact you, then you may choose to decline a second interview or you may choose to supplement the on-campus interview with an alumni interview. The choice is yours.

My area is covered by an ASC, but why have I not been contacted for an interview?
You may not be contacted for an alumni interview until a few weeks after we have processed your application. Most Early Action interviews take place in November and the bulk of Regular Decision interviews occur in late January and during the month of February. It is also pos:( that given the large number of applications, the ASC is not able to interview every candidate in your area. Please remember that interviews are not required and your application will not be jeopardized if you are not offered an interview.

Where will local interview:(e conducted?
When a Yale ASC member calls you to set up an interview, please arrange to meet at a mutually convenient location. Alumni interviews can take place at the ASC member's home or office or at a public location such as a quiet café.
作者: 天边外    时间: 2009-10-31 22:07


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