[建议] 预防脑退化症的日常生活注意事项


> 转发者附言:這篇文章通俗易懂,值得廣為傳閱。雖然我不是醫學方面的人,但也曾參與阿兹海默氏症的研究,稍知皮毛;為了方便不太熟悉專業名詞的朋友們閱讀,斗膽把文章譯成中文,其中錯誤難免。收件人中有不少是資深醫生,譯錯了請立即指正,以免誤人。衷心致謝。閱後若覺得有用,請傳送給你關心的所有親友
老關 UCLA ( University of California at Los Angeles )

洛杉磯加州大學老年中心主任Gray Small 博士說:「那種認為腦退化症(譯注-阿兹海默氏症-過去亦稱老人痴呆症,按香港醫務衛生署建議改為腦退化症完全來自遺傳的和不可預防的想法,是對這個病症的最大誤解。」研究人員現在已經明白,腦退化症就像心臟病和癌症,是經年累月發展起來的病症,是受生活方式因素所影響,這些因素包括膽固醇、血壓、肥胖、癌症、憂鬱、教育、營養、睡眠、腦力、體力和社交活動等等。

> The big news: Mountains of research reveals that simple things you do
> every day might cut your odds of losing your mind to Alzheimer's.

> In search of scientific ways to delay and outlive Alzheimer's and
> other Dementias, I tracked down thousands of studies and interviewed
> dozens of Experts. The results in a new book: 100 Simple Things You
> Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss (Little,
> Brown; $19.99). Here are 10 strategies I found most surprising.

> 1. Have coffee. In an amazing flip-flop, coffee is the new brain
> tonic. A large European study showed that drinking three to five cups
> of coffee a day in Midlife cut Alzheimer's risk 65% in late life.
> University of South Florida Researcher Gary Arendash credits caffeine:
> He says it reduces dementia-causing amyloid in animal brains. Others
> credit coffee's antioxidants. So drink up, Arendash advises, unless
> your doctor says you shouldn't.
> 1. *
喝咖啡 *咖啡得到平反,現在認為
> Arendash

> 2. Floss. Oddly, the health of your teeth and gums can help predict
> dementia. University of Southern California research found that having
> periodontal disease before age 35 quadrupled the odds of dementia
> years later. Older people with tooth and gum disease score lower on
> memory and cognition tests, other studies show. Experts speculate that
> inflammation in diseased mouths migrates to the brain.
> 2. *
牙線* 說來也怪**

> 3.Google. Doing an online search can stimulate your aging brain even
> more than reading a book, says UCLA's Gary Small, who used brain MRIs
> to prove it. The biggest surprise: Novice Internet surfers, ages 55 to
> 78, activated key memory and learning centers in the brain after only
> a week of Web surfing for an hour a day.
> 3. *
谷歌 (*譯註- 上網) 加州大學的 Gary
> Small

> 4. Grow new brain cells. Impossible, scientists used to say. Now it's
> believed that thousands of brain cells are born daily. The trick is to
> keep the newborns Alive.. 4. What works: aerobic exercise (such as a
> brisk 30-minute walk every day), strenuous mental activity, eating
> salmon and other fatty fish, and avoiding obesity, chronic stress,
> sleep dep rivation, heavy drinking and vitamin B deficiency.
> 4 *
新生大腦細胞 * 以前科學家們老是說大腦不可能產生新的細胞。現在卻認為大腦每日產生萬千個新細胞,關鍵是怎樣使這些新細胞存活。
> B

> 5. Drink apple juice. Apple juice can push production of the "memory
> chemical" acetylcholine; that's the way the popular Alzheimer's drug
> Aricept works, says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., of the University of
> Massachusetts . He was surprised that old mice given apple juice did
> better on learning and memory tests than mice that received water. A
> dose for humans: 16 ounces, or two to three apples a day. (Important -
> apples are heavily sprayed so go for the organic juice)
> 5. *
飲蘋果汁 *麻薩諸薩斯大學的Thomas
> Shea

> -

> 6. Protect your head. Blows to the head, even mild ones early in life,
> increase odds of dementia years later. Pro football players have 19
> times the typical rate of memory-related diseases. Alzheimer's is four
> times more common in elderly who suffer a head injury, Columbia
> University finds. Accidental falls doubled an older person's odds of
> dementia five years later in another study. Wear seat belts and
> helmets, fall-proof your house, and don't take risks.
> 6. *
保護頭顱* 若頭顱受到撞擊,那怕是年輕時期的輕度撞擊,也會使晚年時癡呆症增加。職業美式足球運動員發生與記憶有關的疾病比常人高19倍。哥倫比亞大學發現,年輕時頭部受傷的人得腦退化症的機會是常人的4倍。另一項研究表明意外跌倒受傷,五年後發生痴呆症的機會增加2倍。配

> 7. Meditate. Brain scans show that people who meditate regularly have
> less cognitive decline and brain shrinkage - a classic sign of
> Alzheimer's - as they age. Andrew Newberg of the University of
> Pennsylvania School of Medicine says yoga meditation of 12 minutes a
> day for two months improved blood flow and cognitive functioning in
> seniors with memory problems.
> 7. *
冥思* 腦部掃描顯示,經常沉思默想的人,在年齡日長時,腦退化症的典型症狀認知衰退和腦萎縮比較少。賓夕凡尼亞醫學院的Andrew
> Newberg

> 8. Take vit D. A "severe deficiency" of vitamin D boosts older
> Americans' risk of Cognitive impairment 394%, an alarming study by
> England 's University of Exeter finds. And most Americans lack vitamin
> D. Experts recommend a daily dose of 800 IU to 2,000 IU of vitam in D3.
> 8.
服食維他命 D* 英國埃克塞特大學的研究驚人地發現,由於嚴重缺乏維他命D,美國的長者的認知障礙症急升394%。專家建議
每日服食維他D3800-2000 國際單位。

> 9. Fill your brain. It's called "cognitive reserve." A rich
> accumulation of life experiences - education, marriage, socializing, a
> stimulating job, language skills, having a purpose in life, physical
> activity and mentally demanding leisure activities - makes your brain
> better able to tolerate plaques and tangles. You can even have
> significant Alzheimer's pathology and no symptoms of dementia if you
> have high cognitive reserve, says David Bennett, M.D., of Chicago 's
> Rush University Medical Center .
> * 9.
充實大腦* 即所謂 "認知儲備"。生活經驗的累積教育、婚姻、社交、具刺激性的工作、語言技巧、生活有目標、要動腦的休閑活動
都可以令大腦較好地忍受色斑和緾結 (譯註色斑 plagues 通常指
amyloid plaques
斑,是在腦退化症患者的大腦所發現的結構異常特征。tangles 是指
neurofibrillary tangles
是腦退化症患者大腦神經原纖維混亂狀態。這兩者都是腦退化症患者死後屍剖的診斷依據) 。芝加哥魯殊大學醫學中心的
> Bennet

> 10. Avoid infection. Astonishing new evidence ties Alzheimer's to cold
> sores, gastric ulcers, Lyme disease, pneumonia and the flu., Ruth
> Itzhaki Ph.D., of the University of Manchester in England estimates
> the cold-sore herpes simplex virus is incriminated in 60% of
> Alzheimer's cases. The theory: Infections trigger excessive beta
> amyloid "gunk" that kills brain cells. Proof is still lacking, but why
> not avoid common infections and take appropriate vaccines, antibiotics
> and antiviral agents?
> 10. *
預防感染* 英國曼徹斯特大學 Ruth Itzhaki博士新近的證據令人驚訝地證明疱疹,胃潰瘍,萊姆病 (譯注 -
> ?
N由蜱傳播的全身疾病 ),肺炎,流感都與腦退化症有密切關系。按他的估計60%腦退化症的元凶是單純疱疹病毒。理論是:感染激發產生多餘的澱粉樣蛋白""從而殺死腦細胞。雖然證據尚未充足,但是為甚麼不注射適合的疫苗、服抗生素、抗病毒藥物來避免感染呢?

>11. What to Drink for Good Memory A great way to keep your aging memory
> sharp and avoid Alzheimer's is to drink the right stuff.
> *
喝甚麼來改善記憶 * 飲正確的飲料是保持你的記憶力和避免得腦退化症的好方法。
> a. Tops: Juice. A glass of any fruit or vegetable juice three times a
> week slashed Alzheimer's odds 76% in Vanderbilt University research.
> Especially protective:blueberry, grape and apple juice, say other
> studies.
> *a,
上選:果菜汁* 細西州范德堡大學研究結果,一個星期飲三次,每次一杯任何的水果蔬菜汁可以減少76%的腦退化症。特別有效的是果汁是:藍莓、葡萄、蘋果汁。
> b. Tea: Only a cup of black or green tea a week cut rates of cognitive
> decline in older people by 37%, repor ts the Alzheimer's Association.
> Only brewed tea works. Skip bottled tea, which is devoid of
> antioxidants.
> *b.
* 據阿兹海默症協會報告,對長者而言,每星期一杯紅茶或綠茶就可以把認知衰退減少37%。但只有泡茶才有效,不要飲罐裝茶,罐裝茶沒有抗氧化劑。
> c. Caffeine beverages. Surprisingly, caffeine fights memory loss and
> Alzheimer's, suggest dozens of studies. Best sources: coffee (one
> Alzheimer's researcher drinks five cups a day), tea and chocolate.
> Beware caffeine if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure,
> insomnia or anxiety.
> *c.
含咖啡因飲料* 沒想到,有數十個研究證實咖啡因可以對抗記憶衰退和腦退化症。最佳選擇:咖啡(一名腦退化症研究者一天飲五杯咖啡),茶、巧格力。但咖啡因對孕婦、高血壓患者、失眠症患者、焦躁症患者不宜。
> d. Red wine: If you drink alcohol, a little red wine is most apt to
> benefit your aging brain. It's high in antioxidants. Limit it to one
> daily glass for women, two fo r men. Excessive alcohol, notably binge
> drinking, brings on Alzheimer's.
> *d.
紅酒* 飲小量紅酒對日漸老化的大腦有好處。紅酒含大量抗氧化物。婦女一天不可超過一普通玻璃杯,男士兩杯。(譯注 -
daily glass

> e. Two to avoid: Sugary soft drinks, especially those sweetened with
> high fructose corn syrup. They make lab animals dumb. Water with high
> copper content also can up your odds of Alzheimer's. Use a water
> filter that removes excess minerals.
> *e*. *

> 5 Ways to Save Your Kids from Alzheimer's. Now Alzheimer's isn't just
> a disease that starts in old age. What happens to your child's br ain
> seems to have a dramatic impact on his or her likelihood of
> Alzheimer's many decades later.

> Here are five things you can do now to help save your child from
> Alzheimer's and memory loss later in life, according to the latest
> research.

> 1. Prevent head blows: Insist your child wear a helmet during biking,
> skating, skiing, baseball, football, hockey, and all contact sports. A
> major blow as well as tiny repetitive unnoticed concussions can cause
> damage, leading to memory loss and Alzheimer's years later. *
> 1.
預防頭顱受撞擊* 堅持要孩子在騎單車、溜冰、打籃球、足球、曲棍球、其他有肢體接觸的運動時一定要戴頭盔。嚴重的撞擊和雖然不顯眼、但重複的腦震蕩都會做成傷害,日後會? F腦退化症和記憶缺失。

> 2 Encourage language skills: A teenage girl who is a superior writer
> is eight times more likely to escape Alzheimer's in late life than a
> teen with poor linguistic skills. Teaching young children to be fluent
> in two or more languages makes them less vulnerable to Alzheimer's.

*2. 鼓勵學習語言技巧* 一個有高超寫作能力十來歲女孩,能逃過腦退化症的機會是8倍於一個文字語言技巧差的少年。教孩子流利地掌握兩三種語言,可讓他們不易受腦退化症攻擊。


> 3. Insist your child go to college: Education is a powerful
> Alzheimer's deterrent. The more years of formal schooling, the lower
> the odds. Most Alzheimer's prone: teenage drop outs. For each year of
> education, your risk of dementia drops 11%, says a recent University
> of Cambridge study.
> *3.
一定要孩子上大學* 教育是防止腦退化症的強力武器。在學校越讀多幾年書,發病機會就越低。多數的腦退化症患者,都是年青時期輟學。劍橋大學近年的研究,多讀


> 4. Provide stimulation: Keep your child's brain busy with physical,
> mental and social activities and novel experiences. All these
> contribute to a bigger, better functioning brain with more so-called
> 'cognitive reserve.' High cognitive reserve protects against memory
> decline and Alzheimer's.
> *4*. *
提供刺激* 用體力、腦力、社交活動和新奇的經歷使孩子的大腦忙碌起來。所有這些都有利於建立更大更好、更多的 "認知儲備"。高認知儲備可預妨記憶衰退和腦退化症。

> 5. Spare the junk food: Lab animals raised on berries, spinach and
> high omega-3 fish have great memories in old age. Those overfed sugar,
> especially high fructose in soft drinks, saturated fat and trans fats
> become overweight and diabetic, with smaller brains and impaired
> memories as they age, a prelude to Alzheimer's.
> *5.
拚棄垃圾食品* 用漿果類、菠菜、和奧米加3
自青少年时代其经常摄食含量高的魚類食品者至老年仍保有很好的記憶力。而用含糖高,尤其是含高果糖的飲料,飽和脂肪及反式脂肪> 飼料餵飼的,他们年老時,就有超重,糖尿,大腦體積較細和記憶力受損,這些都是腦退化症高发的对象
本帖最后由 金枫吟 于 2012-4-23 17:02 编辑



它是一组病因未明的原发性退行性脑变性疾病。多起病于老年期,潜隐起病,病程缓慢且不可逆,临床上以智能损害为主。病理改变主要为皮质弥漫性萎缩,沟回增宽,脑室扩大,神经元大量减少,并可见老年斑 (SP),神经原纤维结(NFT)等病变,胆碱乙酰化酶及乙酰胆碱含量显著减少。起病在65岁以前者旧称老年病前期痴呆,或早老性痴呆,多有同病家族史,则其病情发展较快。虽然这种病在任何年龄都能出现,但是通常在60~70之间出现。当人们被诊断出患有该病时,通常还能活5~10年,然而新的研究显示这种病的存活率正在不断下降,目前,患上该病之后大约还能存活3.3年。

轻度——1、 轻度语言功能受损;2、 日常生活中出现明显的记忆减退,特别是对近期事件记忆的丧失;3、 时间观念产生混淆;4、 在熟悉的地方迷失方向;5、 做事缺乏主动性及失去动机; 6、 出现忧郁或攻击行为; 7、 对日常活动及生活中的爱好丧失兴趣。 中度——1、变得更加健忘,特别常常忘记最近发生的事及人名;2、不能继续独立地生活;3、不能独自从事煮饭、打扫卫生或购物等活动;4、开始变得非常依赖;5、个人自理能力下降,需要他人的协助,如上厕所、洗衣服及穿衣等;6、说话越来越困难;7、 出现幻觉。 重度——1、不能独立进食;2、不能辨认家人、朋友及熟悉的物品;3、 明显地语言理解和表达困难;4、在居所内找不到路;5、 行走困难;6、 大、小便失禁;7、 在公共场合出现不适当的行为;8、 行动开始需要轮椅或卧床不起。

本帖最后由 老木匠 于 2012-4-23 17:35 编辑





1楼这个10点,有很大的心理激励作用吧,实际效用是要打折扣的 ... 老木匠 发表于 2012-4-23 17:34
木匠兄的说法自然有他的道理。但,该文阐述的是侧重于此疾患的预防方面,且强调的是日常生活中人人都比较容易采取的措施。所以还是很有意义的。而并非仅仅是一种空空的心理作用 。

话又说回来——其实,良好的心理状态调适本身亦可视为一种有益无害的“治疗” 。