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- 2008-4-12
发表于 2010-6-2 22:56
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DESPITE THE WAR, or more likely because of it, the King remained popular in the country at large and could count on a loyal following in Parliament. Political philosophy, patriotism, and a sense of duty comparable to the King’s own figured strongly in both houses. So, too, did the immense patronage and public money that were his alone to dispense. And if that were not sufficient, there was the outright bribery that had become standard in a blatantly mercenary system not of his making, but that he readily employed to get his way.
Indeed, bribery, favoritism, and corruption in a great variety of forms were rampant not only in politics, but at all levels of society. The clergy and such celebrated observers of the era as Jonathan Swift and Tobias Smollett had long since made it a favorite subject. London, said Smollett, was “the devil’s drawing-room.” Samuel Curwen, the Salem Loyalist, saw dissipation and “vicious indulgence” everywhere he looked, “from the lowest haunts to the most elegant and expensive rendezvous of the noble and polished world.” Feeling a touch of homesickness, Curwen thanked God this was still not so back in New England.
实际上,各种形式的贿赂,恩惠,腐败在政治及社会其他领域都层出不穷。当时享有盛名的观察家,如牧师Jonathan Swift和Tobias Smollett早已将其作为最爱的话题。在Smollett说口中,伦敦是“魔鬼的画室”。塞勒姆保皇党人Samuel Curwen声称在伦敦,“从最卑贱的市井到最高雅的厅堂”,抬眼所见俱是花天酒地与“过度放纵”,他还庆幸在新英格兰,情况尚未糟糕至此。
To much of the press and the opposition in Parliament, the American war and its handling could not have been more misguided. The Evening Post, the most partisan in its denunciations, called the war “unnatural, unconstitutional, unnecessary, unjust, dangerous, hazardous, and unprofitable.” The St. James’s Chronicle wrote contemptuously of “a foolish, obstinate, and unrelenting King.”The Crisis, a vehement new paper, attacked “all the gaudy trappings of royalty” and the villainy of the King.
“What, in God’s name, are ye all about in England? Have you forgot us?” asked a British officer in a letter from Boston published in London’s Morning Chronicle. He wished that all the “violent people” who favored more vigorous measures in America could be sent over to see for themselves. Their vigor would be quickly cooled. “God send us peace and a good fireside in Old England.”
“什么,以上帝的名义,尔等皆在英国?忘了我们?”《伦敦早晨纪事》报刊登的一位英国军官从波士顿写来的信上如此质问。他希望所有那些希望对北美政策更加强硬的“暴民”可以被送往前线自探虚实。这样他们的热情很快便会冷却。军官说道,“感谢上帝赐予我们和平,好让我们在英伦本土安享炉边惬意。” |
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