

122楼钱大师钟书写的英文唯一使人留下印象的只有:“that breathing-place from the burthen of a perpetual moral questioning”,而这不是他写的,是他引用Charles Lamb(1775 - 1834)的essay,题目是On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century。另外,钱钟书引用得并不准确,在that和breathing-place中间漏掉了一个词happy。

同样是写戏剧(theater),Charles Lamb写的英文(见下面)形象生动,充满活力,毫无陈词滥调。钱钟书写的英文不可能与之相比,因为根本就不在同一个等级上。

“We carry our fire-side concerns to the theatre with us. We do not go thither, like our ancestors, to escape from the pressure of reality, so much as to confirm our experience of it; to make assurance double, and take a bond of fate. We must live our toilsome lives twice over, as it was the mournful privilege of Ulysses to descend twice to the shades. All that neutral ground of character, which stood between vice and virtue; or which in fact was indifferent to neither, where neither properly was called in question; that happy breathing-place from the burthen of a perpetual moral questioning -- the sanctuary and quiet Alsatia of hunted casuistry -- is broken up and disfranchised, as injurious to the interests of society. The privileges of the place are taken away by law. We dare not dally with images, or names, of wrong. We bark like foolish dogs at shadows. We dread infection from the scenic representation of disorder, and fear a painted pustule. In our anxiety that our morality should not take cold, we wrap it up in a great blanket surtout of precaution against the breeze and sunshine.”

Wang Dan同学写的英文确实很好,令人印象深刻。从英文信的角度还可进行比较。


My Dear Shu-Wu,
Your letter gives me a joyful surprise. Your English is astonishingly good. This is not “flannel” or “butter” but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!). The idea found from your version of Chairman’s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust. Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice. At any rate, it would be a pity - nay, a sin, a crime - to let your English get rusty & become finally unserviceable.
Yours in haste
By a slip of pen, you wrote “allocation” instead of “Collocation”. This is a mere peccadillo. Don’t let meticulousness about such trifles cramp your style.


[ZT] Qian Zhongshu's heavy use of cliches here: joyful surprise, my hand upon my heart!, recovering some of its old cunning, a pity - nay, a sin, a crime, cramp your style. (By the way, "cramp your style" has become so hackneyed it even sits, the style uncramped, in music: for example, "Cramp Your Style" from the rapper Ice-T.)
这是Wang Dan同学写给campus student newspaper的一封英文长信。即使从最严格的标准去衡量,也找不到任何错误。不仅如此,Wang Dan同学写的英文文采飞扬(“I'm now at Harvard, parking myself daily inside the great Library, until the permit expires at midnight”;“when words were still the young daughters of the Earth”),毫无陈词滥调。长信最后引用Flaubert的一句俏皮话,幽默结尾。

结论非常明显:Wang Dan同学写的英文远远超过钱大师钟书写的英文。

Dear Sir:

I received your invitation asking me to write something - anything - on my American experience as a Letter to the Editor on the campus student newspaper. I'm glad to oblige.

My American experience, if I must use this vague phrase, stands no better chance of universality than anyone else's. Let me use a string of adjectives to express my impression of this country: vast, great, hilarious, childlike, exasperating, and green (the tree of nature as well as the tree of money). I'm no poet and the poetic language applies poorly here, nor does the lyrical outpouring suit the present moment of the war America is waging, yet I recall the minute the fatal collapse was happening in New York City, a classmate of mine, who grew up there, stared at the TV and murmured softly: "So farewell, my fairy-tale...."

I'm now at Harvard, parking myself daily inside the great Library, until the permit expires at midnight. I explore, I embrace, I cling to a piece of knowledge until I'm assimilated into it, or until it's assimilated into me, whichever occurs earlier.

Yes, I like to visit from time to time some online Chinese forums, for example Si Hai Zong Tan (literal translation: Four Seas Free Talk). Many unexpected things have since materialized: once I found my Chinese name had been distorted into something absurd; at another time I read something attributed to me that I had never written; on an early morning I accessed the Internet only to find an old picture of mine, downloaded by someone else, greeting me: "Hello, Wang Dan!" Again and again these have appeared in the margins of my life, without influencing in the least its basic text.

What I'm reading now? you asked. Oh, I'm reading a lot of textbooks and reference books for the degree requirement. However, I start to tackle James Joyce's Dubliners. Granted, the similarity between Dublin and Beijing, the city I had lived in before I came to this country, is about as much as the similarity between Boston and Washington, but I perform magic when reading. I mentally substitute Beijing hutongs (alleys) for the winding Dublin streets. The bawdy Dublin citizens become in my mind's eye the noisy Beijing populace. Into this concluding passage of "The Dead":

"Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."

I silently insert "It was falling, further, upon every square inch of Tiananmen where a dream was crushed." Joyce, as an artist, would have hardly agreed, and here I ask for his forgiveness to tinker with his masterpiece; I simply can't help it. I'm barred from going back to China now, but I'm hopefully planning to visit Beijing in 2008 to watch the Olympic Games.

The English language I have been trying my best to master. By degrees I begin to appreciate the loving caress Shakespeare rendered on every word he wrote, when words were still the young daughters of the Earth. They are still the young daughters of the Earth.

However I'm far from at home with the adopted language. Flaubert once quipped, "Whenever I see someone write a bad sentence, I reach for my gun." Don't shoot me though: I've done my best.

A faithful reader of your newspaper I remain,

Wang Dan

The link:
Epiphany在英文上确实有才, 晓梦在辩论上貌似有才,但是我和他实战后发现他容易为辩而辩,逻辑上没有真正做到自洽。
zoufeng_1234 发表于 2013-7-1 21:42

因为a poker-faced discussion毫无趣味。另外我的玩笑并不一定对我自己的主张不利。

kemingqian:“ ...
Epiphany 发表于 2013-6-30 22:12
你在122楼口口声声说要反对英语表现里的陈词滥调,你这个poker-faced discussion,可是被用的烂的又烂的英语,干嘛不自己来个创新词?
老程 发表于 2013-7-2 08:25
kemingqian 发表于 2013-7-2 09:25

kemingqian:“你在122楼口口声声说要反对英语表现里的陈词滥调,你这个poker-faced discussion,可是被用的烂的又烂的英语,干嘛不自己来个创新词?”

这儿“a poker-faced discussion”就是中文里面的“一本正经的讨论”,而英文的“poker-faced”是一个形容词,非常形象。你说该怎样翻译“一本正经的讨论”?

对不起,我已经做了比较:Wang Dan同学写的英文远远超过钱大师钟书写的英文。


A comparative study of state violence in mainland China and Taiwan in the 1950s
by Wang, Dan, Ph.D., HARVARD UNIVERSITY, 2008, 187 pages

本帖最后由 kemingqian 于 2013-7-2 11:40 编辑

对不起,我已经做了比较:Wang Dan同学写的英文远远超过钱大师钟书写的英文。
Epiphany 发表于 2013-7-2 10:25
不用客气,种比法,我就尊称它The Logic of Epiphany吧
学习了一下The Logic of  Epiphany,举例如下

1)        王丹的英语好,所以钱钟书的英文差。
2)        老程的普通话好,所以周泽雄的中文差。
3)        中国人乒乓球打得好,所以足球没意思。
4)        清蒸鱼好吃,所以红烧肉没有人喜欢。
5)        喜欢广州姑娘,所以北京女孩难看。

138# Epiphany 你在用钱钟书的方法挑钱钟书的毛病,现代社会已经进入文本爆炸的时代,所以给每句话找个出处没有什么意思。还是“无一字无来历”的影响太深。
kemingqian:“不用客气,这种比较法,我就尊称它为The Logic of Epiphany吧”


[ZT] 钱锺书英文文集的评论

2006-05-04 07:35:51 来自: le frisson

觉得钱掉书袋的习惯略有一些过,文字也不够地道。和钱一样在牛津取得B. Litt.学位的王佐良英文要更加地道,也许是因为钱通晓的语言非常多,而佐良先生在英文方面更加用力(王的法文也应该不错)。读着这本书,就觉察出他的审美范式非常地中国:他所追求的,是查证出典;他的目的是取得一种high brow的鉴赏判断,虽然他熟习当代文论,可似乎并没有被新的治学路数动摇。为了一种工巧而牺牲语言的自然节奏,所以读来有些吃力。他还时常违反英文中尽量省略避免重复的行文规则。

2011-07-21 12:09:20 来自: 细玉流光

本帖最后由 zoufeng_1234 于 2013-7-2 21:03 编辑



就像意大利咏叹调和黑人饶舌rap, 梅派京剧唱腔和披头士音乐,你们非要比个高下,实在是......

其实我欣赏的是好英文,无论是美国英文还是英国英文。Charles Lamb(1775 - 1834)的英文是英式的,但我认为非常好,形象生动,充满活力,毫无陈词滥调。钱钟书写的英文不可能与之相比,因为根本就不在同一个层次上。

同样是写戏剧(theater),你可以读一下Charles Lamb的英文(见下面),再对照一下钱钟书的英文(122楼),就可看出两者巨大的差别。

“We carry our fire-side concerns to the theatre with us. We do not go thither, like our ancestors, to escape from the pressure of reality, so much as to confirm our experience of it; to make assurance double, and take a bond of fate. We must live our toilsome lives twice over, as it was the mournful privilege of Ulysses to descend twice to the shades. All that neutral ground of character, which stood between vice and virtue; or which in fact was indifferent to neither, where neither properly was called in question; that happy breathing-place from the burthen of a perpetual moral questioning -- the sanctuary and quiet Alsatia of hunted casuistry -- is broken up and disfranchised, as injurious to the interests of society. The privileges of the place are taken away by law. We dare not dally with images, or names, of wrong. We bark like foolish dogs at shadows. We dread infection from the scenic representation of disorder, and fear a painted pustule. In our anxiety that our morality should not take cold, we wrap it up in a great blanket surtout of precaution against the breeze and sunshine.”


要了解Wang Dan同学的英文写作水平,可以读一下124楼的essay(“The Education of Memory”)以及140楼的英文长信。你也许不同意,但我认为Wang Dan同学写的英文远远超过钱大师钟书写的英文。


“1952年的全国高等院校院系调整,把林同济调入复旦大学外文系教书。虽然不能继续政治史、文化史的研究,总算还能发挥他英文的特长。钱钟书曾大力赞扬林同济的parliamentary English(议会式雄辩英语),称泱泱中国真正精通英文的仅一人半,他本人算一人,剩下的半个就是长江以南的林同济。”





[ZT] 大人物的小细节



拈花时评-lianhuaxiaofo @lianhuaxiaofo        35分

本帖最后由 花间对影 于 2013-7-3 12:52 编辑


得了,我把Epiphany 要转的帖子链接放这儿,您就别再忙乎了。Epiphany 不就是那位博学的Cody9999么?6年了,怎么还这么博学呢?
已是残花落池塘   教人魂梦逐荷香
Epiphany的帖子真够“柴”的,言语干枯逻辑混乱,只会使劲转帖,转来转去都是些垃圾帖,估计黑钱派见了他都会起脚踹他个大马趴。被拍得一地尘土,不作声也就罢了,死要面子也就罢了,他还等着别人给他喝彩,没人喝彩 ...
花间对影 发表于 2013-7-3 12:41

拈花时评-lianhuaxiaofo @lianhuaxiaofo        35分
“文革”江青“梁效”班底:冯友兰、季羡林、汤一介、周一良、钱伟长、张光斗、魏建功、钱学森、华罗庚、钱钟书、杨荣国、 ...
孬歪甭 发表于 2013-7-3 10:41

拈花时评-lianhuaxiaofo @lianhuaxiaofo        35分
“文革”江青“梁效”班底:冯友兰、季羡林、汤一介、周一良、钱伟长、张光斗、魏建功、钱学森、华罗庚、钱钟书、杨荣国、 ...
孬歪甭 发表于 2013-7-3 10:41
花间对影:“得了,我把Epiphany 要转的帖子链接放这儿,您就别再忙乎了。Epiphany 不就是那位博学的Cody9999么?6年了,怎么还这么博学呢?”

嗬! Epiphany 九年前用破布缝了条绿油套裤,伸出窗外吆喝到现在,自己一个人吆喝嫌不得劲,就换几个面具变着脸儿吆喝。也该去缝条新的了,这绿油套裤早就褴褛不堪,衣不蔽体也怪寒碜的。
已是残花落池塘   教人魂梦逐荷香
168# 花间对影