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发表于 2009-4-25 14:38
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[连载] 中国震撼世界
第二次世界大战结束的时候,蒋委员长似乎已成为世界上最强有力的统治者之一。对他的统治的唯一可能威胁,只不过是一帮八年前就差点被他消灭了的共产党游击队。今天(一九四九年),这位中国的独裁者却已是时乖命蹇,江河日下。他大树已倒,将领作猢狲散,军队如鸟兽逃,老百姓的造反风起云涌。逃往台湾岛避难的蒋委员长,似乎只剩下一小撮跟随者和一堆堆劫来的黄金,才能作为他一度竟然是整个中国的主宰的证明。与此同时,一度为人们所轻视的共产党游击队竟然已经控制了整个东北、华北和华中,攻下了国民政府首都南京,横扫亚洲大地。 When WWII ended, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek appeared to be one of the most powerful rulers in the world. The only possible threat to this regime was a small group of Communist-led guerrillas whom eight years before he had all but liquidated. Today, the fortunes of China's dictator have undergone a cataclysmic change. Stripped of his authority, deserted by his generals, his army shattered and the people in revolt, the generalissimo has taken refuge on the island of Formosa, and only a handful of followers and a few chests of gold bullion mark the overriding power that was once his. In the meantime, these formerly despised guerrillas have conquered all of Manchuria, an North and Central China, seized the national capital at Nanking and are storming almost unchecked across Asia.
杰克·贝尔登给我们带来的,就是关于这最不同寻常的历史大转折之一的生动描述。他所要讲述的故事纷繁复杂,千头万绪,涉及战争、政治、战略战术各个方面,其中还穿插着谋杀、下毒、诱惑等种种情节;总而言之,是封建主义、资本主义和新生的社会主义之间的殊死斗争的故事。 Here, for the first time, Jack Belden tells this story of one of the most amazing turnabouts in history. The tale he weaves is a tangled one of war and politics, strategy and dialectics, of murder, poison and seduction, all taking place in the midst of a struggle for survival between three different types of civilization: feudalism, capitalism and nascent socialism.
杰克·贝尔登将带你进入中国农民的窑洞和茅草屋,用解剖麻雀的态度来讲述和分析造反的具体操作方法。他展示的是巨幅的社会震荡的景象:试图推翻社会原有等级制度的男男女女,竭尽全力镇压住他们的封建势力,一次又一次造反的农民,还有他们高举的木棒、梭镖和杀猪刀。当他打开我们的视野,展现在面前的是一个浴火的中国:人民在造反的激情中不能自已,兄弟阋墙,父子相残,夫妻反目。 In a kind of laboratory exposition of the technique of insurrection, Belden takes you into the caves and huts of the peasants themselves. He shows men and women plotting to overthrow the social order, shows them murdered by their village suzerains, shows them again, rising in their turn, to kill with clubs, spears and pig knives. As the author broadens his canvas, the reader gradually comes to see all China flaming with revolt, the people caught in the grip of a "convulsive mass passion," brother turned against brother, father against son, wife against husband.
仅仅随便列举几个本书中的情节,就能使人战栗不已:被打得鼻青脸肿的少女、强迫婚姻、被绑架的妻子、卧室里的政治、民主与妇女姐妹联合会,女性的反抗,以及性和政治的独特联系。更骇人听闻的还有:活埋、穷人和富人的生死斗争、午夜的敌后突袭、埋藏起来的财宝,甚至有一个关于一个男人被杀死于荒郊野岭,他的妻子被迫从旁观看的故事。 Belden writes of bruised and beaten girls, forced marriages, kidnapped wives, bedroom politics, democracy and the Lysistrata technique, the revolt of women and the unique connection between sex and revolution. He tells of men burying each other alive, of the death struggle between the rich and the poor, of midnight raids behind the lines, of buried treasure and of a man murdered on a lonely hillside while his wife watches.
当讲述中国内战的故事时,贝尔登引述了很多的目击者,而每一个目击者都是这场革命斗争中某一方面的主角。他描述了那个被自私自利和妄自尊大逼疯的独裁者;一位因找不到出路苦闷绝望而造反的将军;一位痛苦的改变自己的信仰的教授;一个默默吃下土匪给他的毒饼,后来又投奔共产党的作家;一个装神弄鬼的乡下巫婆,借跳大神的办法来吓唬无知村民,胡说蒋介石终将胜利;一个仇视革命、不惜砍下自己女儿头颅来防止她参加造反的母亲;一个反抗自己“反革命”丈夫的农村妇女;怀着深仇大恨用剪刀嚓嚓地剪下地主的肉的村妇们;为了引诱干部脱离革命而和他们上床的有钱人的老婆和小妾们,等等等等。佛门弟子和武装人员,卑贱的和高贵的,学生和特务,革命的胜利者和倒霉者——这些都一一呈现在中国沸腾的历史中。 In writing about China's Civil War, Belden summons many witnesses, all of them protagonists in one way or another of the revolutionary struggle. Here is a dictator gone insane with egotism and vanity, a general grown mutinous with despair, a professor suffering a religious conversion, a writer meekly eating arsenic fed to him by bandits and then joining the Communists, a village witch calling gods into her body in order to frighten women into supporting Chiang Kai-shek, a mother beheading her daughter to prevent her from joining the revolution, a village bride seeking revenge against her "counterrevolutionary" husband, women cutting the flesh of landlords with scissors, concubines and wives leaping into bed with rural cadres to seduce them away from the land reform. Monks and militarists, nobles and peasants, spies and students, the victims and the victors of the revolution - they are all portrayed in this story of a civilization in ferment.
此书问世之时,正逢美国朝野上下都为采取何种对华政策而分裂成若干持不同意见的集团,而吵得不可开交。贝尔登这本书必将掀起巨澜。不论你持何种政治立场,《中国震撼世界》都非常值得一读:它充满了本不为人知的事实,故事引人入胜,具有发人深思的独创性。 Written at a time when United States policy towards China has divided a multitude of Americans, both with and without the government, into bitterly opposed factions, Belden's book is bound to produce controversy in this country. But no matter what you political views, China Shakes the World is worth reading solely on its merits as a book - for its mass of instructive facts, its fascinating story and its contemplative originality.
至于本书标题,作者是在引用拿破仑的著名预言来强调他所描述事实的重要性:“中国!那是一个沉睡的巨人。就让他沉睡吧——他一旦醒来,必将震撼世界!” As for the importance of the events he describes, the author recalls Napoleon's famous prophecy: "China! There is a sleeping giant; let him sleep, for when he wakes, he will move the world."
(李根译) |